Miscarriage in the Family - Should You Tell Your Children Who Are Born After About the Miscarriage?
Talking About Miscarriage Babies are tuned in.
Way more that we appreciate.
And babies who come after miscarriage can feel the sadness surrounding it.
They know that life was lost in the womb.
They sense the pain of a mother grieving quietly.
And sometimes at an unconscious level they are trying to find what is missing from the family.
They don't necessarily have the language to communicate what it is they detect.
And if when they get older, they start to ask question about miscarriage, parents often shy away from talking about such things.
They don't feel comfortable or equipped and are not sure whether or not it is fair to 'burden' their child.
Sharing About Miscarriage But it is much harder on children when they are kept in the dark.
It can be very confusing.
You can make it easy for your children who come after a miscarriage by letting them know that they have an older brother or sister.
Let them know where they come in the family.
Give them the opportunity to ask questions.
Even when they are very young you can be telling them the story of their older sibling.
It will put things into place for them.
Sharing will give your children a clearer sense of belonging and allows them to relax into their place and their own unique identity.
You can create a lovely story around the baby who died so that it can even be a nice discussion to have in the family.
Way more that we appreciate.
And babies who come after miscarriage can feel the sadness surrounding it.
They know that life was lost in the womb.
They sense the pain of a mother grieving quietly.
And sometimes at an unconscious level they are trying to find what is missing from the family.
They don't necessarily have the language to communicate what it is they detect.
And if when they get older, they start to ask question about miscarriage, parents often shy away from talking about such things.
They don't feel comfortable or equipped and are not sure whether or not it is fair to 'burden' their child.
Sharing About Miscarriage But it is much harder on children when they are kept in the dark.
It can be very confusing.
You can make it easy for your children who come after a miscarriage by letting them know that they have an older brother or sister.
Let them know where they come in the family.
Give them the opportunity to ask questions.
Even when they are very young you can be telling them the story of their older sibling.
It will put things into place for them.
Sharing will give your children a clearer sense of belonging and allows them to relax into their place and their own unique identity.
You can create a lovely story around the baby who died so that it can even be a nice discussion to have in the family.