Natural Remedies For Snoring
Snoring can be a hint that there is a deeper problem with someone. It can mean that the person who snores has certain sleeping problems that they need to be treated for. Or it could mean that they just snore when they sleep and then they just cause problems for the person sleeping next to them. That's right! The person most affected by snoring is not the person who is doing it - but the one who has to hear it.
Couples who just cannot live with it search for ways to rectify the situation. They will contemplate the nose strips, the surgery, and the endless supplies of medications that are supposed to help. Those are not only expensive - but they are not guaranteed to work. Before you get too drastic try a few natural remedies that may just do the trick and put an end to it once and for all.
1. Drop The Pounds
The first snoring remedy you should try to do is to lose weight. People who are overweight have bulky neck tissue and this will cause them to snore and to snore very loud. Even if you lose 10% of the weight you should be able to see a difference.
2. Change Up The Sleep Position
Snoring is caused when the uvula, tongue, soft palate, and tonsils in the back of the throat are rubbing together and generate the vibrations that causes snoring. People who sleep on their back are more likely to snore because their tongue falls back and increases the resistance to the airways. You may find that sleeping on your side will stop the snoring. Another thing you can try is to raise your head up 4 inches.
3. Stay Away From Alcohol
Robert W. Clark, MD the medical director of the Regional Sleep Disorders Center at the Columbus Community Hospital in Ohio says, "Anything that causes sedation such as sleeping pills or low dose alcohol can also cause snoring because they tend to suppress your breathing drive."
4. Relieve Nasal Congestion With Steam
Nasal congestion can often times cause snoring that is why some of us who never snore will do so when we are sick. In order to reduce the congestion try breathing in a steady stream of steam through your nose. You can use steam vaporizers or just use really hot water and place a towel over your head and inhale the steam. This is one of the best natural snoring remedies.