How to Remove Stains on Vinyl Tile Floors
- 1). Use chlorine bleach to tackle the stain. Household chlorine bleach effectively removes many types of stains from vinyl floors. If the stain is particularly stubborn, saturate a white cloth with bleach and leave it sitting on the stain over night. Cover the saturated cloth with plastic wrap and tape the ends of the plastic wrap to the floor to prevent evaporation. Remove the plastic wrap and the cloth in the morning and wipe the area clean.
- 2). Rub the stained area with mineral spirits or turpentine, then rub the area again with a clean dry cloth. Depending on the nature of the stain, this might lift it.
- 3). Try isopropyl or rubbing alcohol to lift the stain if it still is not coming off. Saturate a clean cloth with rubbing alcohol and rub vigorously.
- 4). Contact the manufacturer of your vinyl flooring to find out the manufacturer's recommended floor stripper. Use the floor stripper, according to package directions, to remove the stain on the floor.
- 5). Replace the tiles that are stained if you are unable to get the stains out. Some stains, such as yellowing and discoloration that occur from rugs sitting on vinyl flooring, cannot be removed.