Home Cleaning Remedy Tips
- Your home is your castlecastle image by R. Steciuk from Fotolia.com
Your house is more than your home, it's your castle, but when it's time to clean, it can seem more like a dungeon. You appreciate a clean house as much as the next person; however, your busy schedule and sheer exhaustion derail your cleaning efforts. But there is a remedy for your house-cleaning woes--it is organization and a good dose of reality--and a few cleaning products. - Make a to-do listto do image by firelover123 from Fotolia.com
Do a walk through of your home, make a list of cleaning chores that need to be done. Don't forget the basement, garage and backyard. Post your list of chores in plain view for everyone in the household to see. You can also use your computer to set daily chore reminders. - High traffic areaman in bathroom mirror image by Leticia Wilson from Fotolia.com
Scattered cleaning is unproductive. Donna Smallin, author of, "One Minute Cleaning," suggests you focus on cleaning the high-traffic areas of your home first. This makes sense, if you run out of time and energy you have at least cleaned the most visible and most used areas first. Continue in a like manner in the rest of the house.
. - Once used remove immediatelybabywindeln image by Daniel Fuhr from Fotolia.com
Regularly take out the garbage to insure your home smells fresh. Do not place items like fish, meat or pungent leftovers in the kitchen garbage can. Use small plastic bags to dispose immediately of odoriferous garbage. After you remove the trash bags, sprinkle a little baking soda in the bottom of the garbage can. This rule applies to other areas of the house, too; baby's rooms can be a source of items that assault the olfactory senses--put diapers in a plastic bag and remove from the home immediately. - Do twice the choresWoman cleaning the house. image by maron from Fotolia.com
Clean two things at once--you will save considerable time and energy. For example, start your dual duty in the shower by spraying it with soap scum remover, and while waiting for it to take effect, gather the towels and put them in the washer. Sprinkle the carpet with baking soda and let it sit for 20 minutes, and return to your shower cleaning. If you think about it for a moment, there are many tasks you can perform simultaneously.
. - Remove stains immediately. Do not allow them to set or they will become resistant or permanent. It's easier to clean a stain than it is to replace an entire piece of furniture. Be careful when cleaning more delicate upholstery fabrics; leave it to the professionals if you are unsure. Carpet stains should be cleaned immediately also; if you cannot spot clean, rent a carpet steam cleaner.
- Everyone needs help now and thengrandfather and grandson mowing grass image by Piter Pkruger from Fotolia.com
Enlist the help of your family. If everyone is pressed for time, assign a duty to each person. This way no one person will be burdened with the task of doing everything. Make a list of chores, and have each person select an item until there are no chores left on the list. If possible, set a date and time when everyone is cleaning together; if one person needs a little assistance, someone will be available to help. - Don't be chained to your choreshousekeeping image by Cherry-Merry from Fotolia.com
Have a cleaning back-up plan--call in a cleaning service before things get out of hand. Face reality--you may need help cleaning your home, or keeping it clean. There is no shame in needing assistance to maintain your home. - Sit back and restelderly lady image by pixelcarpenter from Fotolia.com
If you are sick or disabled and cannot clean your home, Medicare and Medicaid pay for services that provide assistance to help you maintain your home. Homemakers come in and clean, do laundry and perform general duties in and around your home. If you do not care for the idea of strangers in your home, have a friend or family member you trust sign up with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to become your homemaker. If you are eligible, Medicare and/or Medicaid will pay for the services and you will have no out-of-pocket expense, even if it is your relative or friend--spouses are not eligible for payment.