Home Remedies for Blackhead Treatment
- Keep a supply of mild soap and facial cleanser near the sink. Use hot water and a clean cloth to wash your face at least twice a day. Rinse your skin with a warm saltwater solution. The heat from the water will make the pores in the skin relax and open slightly. Before the skin has a chance to cool, place the tip of a cotton swab against the base of any visible blackheads and press firmly to dislodge the clog. Once the blackhead has been removed, wash your face one more time, rinsing with cold water. If your skin cools in midtreatment, turn the tap on hot and hold your head over the sink. Drape a towel around your head, trapping the steam inside the cloth and reopening the pores.
- For a cool blackhead remedy that works well in hot weather, remove a cucumber from the vegetable crisper and cut away the peel. Chop the skinned fruit into chunks and place in a blender. Add 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt and mix on low until the cucumber has reached a consistency similar to school glue. Transfer the blend to a small bowl and apply to any affected areas of skin. Leave the mixture on for about 30 minutes, then rinse away with cool water.
- If neither of these remedies has given you the results you wanted, try ransacking your cupboard for an effective treatment. For example, mix a bit of vinegar into a few tablespoons of cornstarch and stir to form a smooth paste. Apply this mixture to any affected areas and let it dry. Rinse with warm water and pat the treated skin dry with a clean towel. Or you can mix the cornstarch with an egg white to create a blackhead-busting facial mask that also helps clear up acne. If you don't have any cornstarch, use a solution made from baking soda and water. Alternately, you can combine quick cooking oats with just enough water to moisten them, then rub the resulting mixture into your skin with your fingertips. Allow the oatmeal to dry for 15 minutes before rinsing with cold water to remove blackheads.