Research - What Will Work For You
Is this because it is less scary for us to have a medical treatment or drugs recommenced by our physician? How open are you when they recommend alternatives medicines such as acupuncture or herbs.
We go into over drive trying to find out everything there is to know.
When it comes to beauty we are willing to try everything and leave the research to the so called beauty experts.
Beauty comes from with in and what we put in is what we get out.
The less toxic products we put in our bodies the better off we are.
That has been the truth since the beginning of time.
You are what you eat and drink.
We have always look for others to help heal us no matter what the problem.
Today we live longer thanks to those who research and apply what they have learned from others that have done it before.
The knowledge of these individuals are respected and trusted with our most precious gift.
You think, health, family and friends, well I think time.
Time is one thing that that you will never get back.
So when you are considering making choices do your own research and look at both forms of treatment.
There are natural cures that work that have been researched and taught to doctors all over the world.
The people of these countries trust in their doctors as we do in ours.
Today the amount of communication that reaches around the world makes it easier for us to find information and treatments that can let us live abundant life filled with time that is enjoyed.
Unless you are unconscious, a child or mentally impaired You are the one to decide if your treatment is going to make the best of the time you have.
Let the natural healing begin! Most doctors are not comfortable with counseling patients on treatments they my even find helpful.
I had to bring up treatments to my doctors that I researched myself, so I can have quality of time.
Drug therapy was poisoning me and I new that there had to be something else.
I turn to acupuncture and this choice has gotten me off pain medicines that were robing me of my life.
I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life.
Deuteronomy 30:19