How to Measure Your Vertical Jump Accurately
The vertical leap is arguably the most common measure of athletic potential and performance in many sports.
There are several methods to accurately measure your vertical jump, but all are similar and share the same 5 step procedure: 1.
Stand next to a wall
Stretch your arm, reach up as high as possible, and mark the highest spot you can touch.
Without taking any steps, jump up as high as you can and touch the wall.
Repeat the vertical jump until you feel you have jumped as high as you can.
Subtract your standing reach from the height of the highest point you touched on the wall.
This is due to the fact that shoes increase your standing reach by 1-3 inches.
There is no right or wrong option, but for most tests, standing reach is measured with shoes on, because you play your sport in shoes after all.
A Simpler Way To Measure Your Vertical Jump Most high schools and colleges have a vertical jump measuring device that makes the whole process simpler.
The device has an adjustable scale that makes it easier to measure everything.
You also don't have to worry about jumping into the wall and injuring yourself! Tips and Tricks To Score Higher On The Vertical Jump Test.
Wear lightweight, tight-fitting shoes.
Warm up and stretch before the test.
Use proper jumping form.
Use a good vertical jump program to improve your vertical leap.
There are several methods to accurately measure your vertical jump, but all are similar and share the same 5 step procedure: 1.
Stand next to a wall
- If you're right handed, your right shoulder should be next to the wall, and vice versa.
Stretch your arm, reach up as high as possible, and mark the highest spot you can touch.
- This is known as your standing reach.
- You may put ink or chalk on your fingertips to mark the spot or just have someone mark off the highest point you can touch with tape.
Without taking any steps, jump up as high as you can and touch the wall.
- Mark the second spot with ink, chalk or tape just like before.
Repeat the vertical jump until you feel you have jumped as high as you can.
Subtract your standing reach from the height of the highest point you touched on the wall.
- This number is your vertical jump.
- E.
if your standing reach is 7 feet and the highestpoint you touch on the wall is 10 feet, your vertical jump is 3 feet (36 inches) -> [ 10 feet - 7 feet = 3 feet ]
This is due to the fact that shoes increase your standing reach by 1-3 inches.
There is no right or wrong option, but for most tests, standing reach is measured with shoes on, because you play your sport in shoes after all.
A Simpler Way To Measure Your Vertical Jump Most high schools and colleges have a vertical jump measuring device that makes the whole process simpler.
The device has an adjustable scale that makes it easier to measure everything.
You also don't have to worry about jumping into the wall and injuring yourself! Tips and Tricks To Score Higher On The Vertical Jump Test.
Wear lightweight, tight-fitting shoes.
- I recommend wearing Nike Free shoes during the test.
They are comfortable, tight-fitting, and light in weight.
They also provide excellent cushioning.
Warm up and stretch before the test.
- This will loosen your muscles and make you jump higher during the test
Use proper jumping form.
- Squat down, swing your arms, and explode upwards, extending your strong arm (right or left) as high as you can to touch the highest point you can.
Use a good vertical jump program to improve your vertical leap.