Does American Idol Judge, Simon Cowell, Have a Nutritional Deficiency?
Grumpy Pants" attitude are due to a deeper issue than just having to put up with Paula Abdul each week? And some of these American Idol contestants...
their song choices...
their performances that have left much to be desired.
Could it be that they too suffer from this same mysterious affliction as Simon? Back to Paula Abdul.
It's almost certain that this exact health challenge is what causes her to express long strings of often incoherent thoughts and often times make no sense whatsoever.
This condition is likely an underlying cause of Randy Jackson's inability to speak English or to speak in full sentence format.
According to our 6 year old daughter, the cause of all these shenanigans is as obvious the nose on her face.
Last week, we let her stay up late one night to watch a bit of American Idol.
She loves to sing and dance, so we thought we'd encourage her to follow those dreams...
and become a gazillionaire so she could take care of her parents! After hearing Simon Cowell rip a hole in the second straight contestant's dreams, my daughter quite seriously stated, "Wow.
That guy totally needs fish oil.
He's deficient.
" My husband and I exchanged a look of surprise, silently cracking up to each other! Hilarious! Since both kids have existed in our family, they've known the importance - and the "powers" - of fish oil.
They know that it's the most important nutrient to supplement with.
They know that your brain can't function properly without sufficiency of the omega 3 essential fatty acids that pure fish oil provides.
They know that you can't be optimally healthy without the right kind of omega 3 that only comes from fish oil.
They know you can't get enough of it, or a pure enough form from food anymore...
so you need to supplement.
They also know that their mother doesn't really care how much of a fuss they put up about taking it at times.
"Sorry, Charlie.
You're taking it.
It's the most important thing I could possibly give you...
right up there with love, healthy food and Chiropractic adjustments! Open wide.
" For years, they've heard their mommy talk about fish oil like it's a miracle from above! In addition to hearing the multitude of health benefits of it, they've heard their occasionally stressed-out and exasperated mother say things like, "There is simply not enough fish oil on the planet for me today!" When the kids are being grumpy or sassy or whiney or otherwise less-than-angelic in any way, I'll often say something like, "You SO need fish oil right now!" Or, "That's it; triple the fish oil for you today, Missy!" So, I suppose we shouldn't have been too surprised at our daughter's quick and certain diagnosis of Simon Cowell's condition.
To her, it's plain as day.
Anyone who's that grumpy, rude and downright mean MUST be completely deficient in fish oil! Simple.
I mean, what else could cause a person to be like that?! Her 3 year old brother, by the way, totally backed her up immediately with his little surfer-dude-like comment...
"Totally!!" Last night, we let the kids watch another little bit of the show before bedtime.
There was some grumbling from the peanut gallery, about how that "Simon guy" obviously still hadn't taken any fish oil, and how Paula is acting strange (again), so she should get some, too.
"These people are strange" was the verdict! I realized how totally immersed they are in the power and 'magic' of the omega 3 in fish oil when they started judging the actual performances on whether or not they needed more fish oil! "Eeeeeewwww..
That's a bad song! It needs fish oil, too!" Too funny! As I tucked them in last night, my daughter turned to me and said, "I really think we need to fly right to Hollywood with a case of fish oil for all those people on American Idol, mom.
They really need it!" I soothed her off to sleep with, "Yes sweetie..
We ALL need it..
Some of us just need MORE than others...
!" (By the way, for whatever reason, I'm a fan of the show.
I happen to like Simon Cowell! Paula is sweet and seems to genuinely care about the contestants.
Yes, she seems a bit 'off' at times, but I suppose it's good for ratings! Regardless of MY thoughts of American Idol, because of the antics, behavior and word choice of the judges, the performers and even host, Ryan Seacrest, it's not a show I plan on letting my wee ones watch very much at all.
There are better ways to inspire a love of musical performance!)