Revealed - The Number 1 Reason MLM Businesses Fail!
Unfortunately most of these are based on greed, wanting to make it big, quick, without working too hard.
Other reasons range from actually liking the products, to having the desire to be an owner/entrepreneur.
Our mlm businesses fail due to one major reason; we treat our business like a hobby or at best a part-time job, which in turn leads to the failure of our mlm business.
Think of what would happen if we treated our infant children this way.
If we didn't pay attention, nourish, clothe and watch over our children they would and like our mlm business, fail.
Do we treat our children like a hobby or a full-time job?Even better don't we run our family like a business, sure we do.
We have schedules to keep, bills to pay, homework time and the list goes on and on.
So if we would look at our mlm business and look at the 95% failure rate something has to change.
To help avoid your mlm business from failing, we must work as business owners not employees.
Unfortunately this is going to take time.
We are trained from grade school through college to be "good employees" and this impart is what leads to this mlm business failure rate.
We all want to be business owners and entrepreneurs, so let's do that.
If we invest the time, energy and effort that we do at work into our own business, this 98% mlm business failure rate would change, guaranteed.
Here is a quick list of the things that I do each day to keep my mlm business from failing: 1.
Set a schedule and stick to it! We go to work each day and the boss says be here by 9am and you can leave at 5pm, at NO point does this change for our mlm business.
We must be the boss, not the employee and set a schedule for our activities or our mlm business will without doubt fail.
Remind yourself of the reality of your upline.
Your upline does not have an mlm business that is failing because they work the business as an IBO - Independent Business Owner.
They are treating their business like a business, they are the boss.
Your upline and I mean the guy or gal talking as the expert, the one who is up on stage talking 90% of the time, knows that the rate of failure in the mlm business is 95%.
They are using those numbers in THEIR favor not yours, they are using you as an employee for FREE!Kudos to them I say, but I also say YOU can do the same thing but even better.
Take charge of your own system, when you signed up to be an IBO you signed up to do just that and if you don't your mlm business will fail and become part of the 95%.
By the way, you are in the 5% that he/she talks about on the video screen but not for long, so think, educate and keep your mlm alive and not another mlm business failure.
Everyday I remind myself that all I invest:time, energy and effort will be paid back in multiples.
This includes positive time, effort and energy as well as negative.
Mlm business failure is not so much due to the effort and energy that we put forth as it is to the time we waste with the teachings of our upline that will not exponentially grow our mlm business.
Ask yourself did McDonalds grow because 1 person told 3 people who then got 3 people to go to a seminar for 1 hour?Mlm business failure is an issue of using time wisely.
Finally, your mlm business will become how you treat it.
If we are teaching and practicing failure techniques then your mlm will fail.
If we take a step back and look to educate and practice methods that make the most of our time, energy and effort we can and will avoid mlm business failure.
If you would like further information and would like to educate yourself, visit the following link.
If you chose not to please try and look beyond your upline's message and think about this article to avoid mlm business failure.