How to Spin With Cellulose Fiber
- 1). Pull off a piece from one end of the flax roving. The piece may be up to a foot long. This is the staple length.
- 2). Pull the rest of the roving over combs to straighten the fiber, and remove any short pieces. This is called hackling the flax.
- 3). Reserve the short pieces for blending with other fibers. Lay the longer fibers out on a table in bundles, or stricks.
- 1). Put a small bowl of water close to your hand that controls the twist.
- 2). Put a clean towel across your lap. Separate a 1/2 inch bundle from one of the stricks, and lay it on the towel, perpendicular to the wheel. Fan this bunch out on the towel, pulling from the center.
- 3). Attach a leader to the wheel, dip your fingers in the water and begin spinning the flax by folding the strands on your lap from the center. The water activates pectin in the fiber that holds the twist and creates a smooth yarn.
- 1). Remove the yarn from the wheel to a skein winder or niddy-noddy and tie it securely. Flax yarn is not usually plied.
- 2). Boil a pot of water, add some washing soda or dish soap, and add the skein of yarn. Boil for about 15 minutes, and turn off the heat.
- 3). Remove the yarn when the water has cooled, rinse in clear water, and hang it to dry.