How to Grow Corn in the Back Yard
- 1). Work the backyard garden space to a depth of about 6 to 8 inches with a tiller or garden fork or spade. Smooth the ground using a garden rake. Apply 3 lbs. of a fertilizer made up of 12 percent each of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium for each 100 square feet of garden. Rework the garden to incorporate the fertilizer through the soil.
- 2). Mark out rows about 30 inches apart through the garden. Use a hoe or rake to excavate a 1-inch deep trench along the row.
- 3). Place a seed about every 10 inches along the row. Perform this step once the temperature of the soil is at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Measure the temperature, with a thermometer, 1 inch below the surface. Cover the corn seeds with soil.
- 4). Water the corn so the moisture available to the corn plant totals 1 inch of water per week.
- 5). Cultivate the ground between rows and plants using a hoe, to eliminate weeds. Cultivate no deeper than 1 inch to prevent damage to roots.
- 6). Monitor the development of the corn ear and harvest when the kernels are in the milk stage. At this point the ears of corn feel firm and the kernel exudes a white liquid when punctured. The corn is now at its optimal level of tenderness and sweetness.