Save Your Relationship - Simple Technique?
You may be at that stage where your looking for answers, desperate to get things back on track and everything you do seems to push your partner further away.
Sometimes you may end up saying things you regret later, and this creates a bigger gap between you and your partner.
before you do anything you need to know what your dealing with right? otherwise your playing out patterns of the past...
yes thats right, PATTERN'S which are integrated into you as you grow through life, from birth to baby to child to teen to adult.
If this is the first time you've heard this then it might sound a little strange, but when you think about it, everything in your life has effected you in some way that has created the discussions and circumstances or events and people into your life...
this may sound crazy or not to you, but one thing you have to grasp here is that the events and people you attract into your life is a reflection of...
YOU! Now this is a very brief overview on this subject, there are books and courses explaining this in great detail and when you realize this, then you can use this to save your relationship as best you can, remembering the fact that your partner is a reflection of what is inside of you...
a disowned self! Stay with me...
i know this may be a little out there for some...
but if you can grasp this concept then you can put it to good use.
How can this save my relationship?...
glad you asked.
Once you realize this then you can start to understand that it's the emotions that we are addicted to recreating the events and circumstances in our life's to bring to the surface emotions which have been buried through out the years.
A technique of dealing with these emotions when talking to your partner or the circumstance you have created, is to breathe steady, staying in the present as much as you can without being caught up with who's right or wrong.
By breathing steady you are releasing the blocked energies within yourself and this will help you stay centered.
A word of warning, it may feel like things get worse when you first start this, but persist and listen without being quick to react, stay calm as much as you can and use this experience as a strengthening.