Choosing A Website Niche
When I say website I don't mean a page that some programs give you with your affiliate ID attached to the end of it, but your own domain name and a good provider to host it on.
But before we get into domain names and hosting accounts let's start at the beginning with the business idea itself.
You first need to decide what your new website will be focused on, or your niche market.
While there are thousands of work at home websites on the Internet, and the competition is well established, you can still find your own little niche within this bigger category that has been overlooked and is less competitive.
Keyword research is crucial to determining your sites theme and the success of your online business.
Keywords or keyword phrases are something that you will hear a lot about as you progress and start to develop your website.
Even if your website is a pre-designed Plug-In Profits site It should eventually be optimized toward a more narrow, less competitive niche.
Search engine optimization, or SEO is the process of finding these keyword phrases and designing or changing your website around your keywords.
This should be done on every page that you add to, or have on your site.
Every page on your site should have a specific topic and be optimized according to the content on that page.
Before you choose your domain name you should determine your sites theme or niche and keywords and then choose a domain name that closely matches.
That is why you should do this research before you register a domain name.
The two most popular tools for keyword research are subscription based Wordtracker, and the free Overture tool.
Another site I recommend for SEO related research with a whole suite of tools is SEOBook.
I recommend trying out the free ones first then get a one-day or one-week subscription to Wordtracker as it is considered the most accurate.
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