11 Things Small Business Owners Can Learn From Girl Scout Cookies
Train - The Girl Scouts use cookie sales to teach important life skills.
Take advantage of the opportunity to develop your team members...
or hire a coach to help you.
Start Early - The best cookie sellers start knocking on doors the first day, and deliver their cookies as soon as they arrive.
"The early bird gets the worm" seems to work everywhere.
Know Your Value - Girl Scout Cookies taste good and you get to help kids in your community.
Make sure you provide similar great value to your customers.
Remember Your Manners - As you learned as a girl (or boy), always say "please" and "thank you"...
to customers (even when they don't buy), vendors and your team members.
Dress The Part - Brownies and Girl Scouts take pride in wearing their uniforms.
Make sure everyone in your small business knows they only get one chance to make a first impression.
Go Deep - Girl Scouts reach out to family, friends and, of course, their parents' co-workers.
Ask everyone you know for referrals to expand your prospect list and grow your business.
Up-Sell - Did you know Thin Mints and Caramel deLites are impulse buys? As you learned in that first retail job, always ask the customer if they would like a belt or tie with that shirt.
Differentiate - Girl Scout Cookies are available once each year, and you can freeze them.
Can you express what makes your products/services stand out in 13 or fewer words? 9.
Rehearse - Young girls are taught to practice their sales presentations in front of family and friends before meeting neighbors.
Make sure to practice yours before and selling opportunities.
Be Prepared - The Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts share this motto.
When asked, "For what?" Boy Scouts founder Robert Baden-Powell replied, "Why, for any old thing.
" Good advice.
Be Careful Crossing Streets - Pretty basic, yes? Keep your eyes focused on the essential parts of your small business.
There are lots of cars out there...
and they move really fast!