How to Find a Private School for an Autistic Child
1Join autism related groups and ask around to see where other children attend school. You can find many autism playgroups online by searching for "autism playgroup." Do not be afraid to ask questions. Chances are, they have already been down the path you are going through and may be able to answer all your questions at once.
Consult your yellow pages for private schools. Call the private schools or visit their website and inquire as to whether or not they have autistic students, how many and what their curriculum is for those students. Also find out their student/teacher ratios and their success rate for children with autism and other disabilities.
Search online for private schools that accept and/or specialize in children with disabilities, especially autism. To do this, you may want to consult The Autism Society of America, an excellent site for finding resources for autistic children.
Talk to people that you know about finding a private school for your autistic child. Sometimes you may find information in places you did not know you would. Friends, relatives, school professionals, co-workers and your doctor may be some of your best sources for information on private school for children with autism.
Visit the schools you have found are suitable. List all your questions beforehand and do not be afraid to ask them, even if there are a lot. Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to finding the right fit for your family and your children.