Investing Money While in College
Investing money while in college is based on the fact you have money to invest.
If you're the average student your time may well be spent lamenting the frugal life you lead.
However you could well be one of the few students who came into an inheritance or perhaps already has money to invest.
In all honesty the same principles apply whether you have $200 to invest of $200,000.
My tips for investing money while in college.
1) Look for investment opportunities with a proven track record.
You want proof of income not pie in the sky or get rich quick claims.
2) The level you have to invest does have a bearing in one sense.
If you have a few hundred dollars to invest you'll probably be more willing to put it in riskier investments like small-cap stocks or even options.
The only drawback for both of these is you need to do your research because with only a small sum to invest you cannot afford a professional to do this for you, so in between studies you may not have the time.
The rich student can quite easily invest in mutual funds or long term stocks of established companies in the hope that over time these will out-perform the market.
3) For the rich student real estate is an option.
Why not buy and live in your own property instead of renting, it may save you money.
If you live with your parents rent the place out for a steady income.
You can then invest that money to make more money.
There are also stocks, bonds and commodities.
4) You can invest in your own business.
This isn't as labour intensive as you think.
Many businesses can be created online and with the automated nature of the internet you only need spend a few minutes a day on your business.
This is ideal for the student on a tight budget as there are many businesses out there needing little seed capital.
If you are reading this article because you are genuinely interested in investing money while in college you have to check out my website.
It's your ticket to making a lot of money, not just in college but when you leave.
If you're the average student your time may well be spent lamenting the frugal life you lead.
However you could well be one of the few students who came into an inheritance or perhaps already has money to invest.
In all honesty the same principles apply whether you have $200 to invest of $200,000.
My tips for investing money while in college.
1) Look for investment opportunities with a proven track record.
You want proof of income not pie in the sky or get rich quick claims.
2) The level you have to invest does have a bearing in one sense.
If you have a few hundred dollars to invest you'll probably be more willing to put it in riskier investments like small-cap stocks or even options.
The only drawback for both of these is you need to do your research because with only a small sum to invest you cannot afford a professional to do this for you, so in between studies you may not have the time.
The rich student can quite easily invest in mutual funds or long term stocks of established companies in the hope that over time these will out-perform the market.
3) For the rich student real estate is an option.
Why not buy and live in your own property instead of renting, it may save you money.
If you live with your parents rent the place out for a steady income.
You can then invest that money to make more money.
There are also stocks, bonds and commodities.
4) You can invest in your own business.
This isn't as labour intensive as you think.
Many businesses can be created online and with the automated nature of the internet you only need spend a few minutes a day on your business.
This is ideal for the student on a tight budget as there are many businesses out there needing little seed capital.
If you are reading this article because you are genuinely interested in investing money while in college you have to check out my website.
It's your ticket to making a lot of money, not just in college but when you leave.