Beginner Guitar Lessons - The Practice Makes Perfect Myth busted!
There's one word that all beginner guitar players hear regularly
from their teachers, friends and parents that's the word
Usually this word is accompanied by the well-worn phrase
"practice makes perfect". Like many other phrases that have been
handed down and parroted off over the ages this little gem of
wisdom is only partly true!
Let's take a closer look and make an important distinction.
Myth: Practice makes perfect... or does it? Well it should,
everyone has told us that it would work... however I know many
dedicated would-be guitarists who have practiced relentlessly for
almost as long as I have been alive and they certainly don't seem
to make much musical progress.
On the other hand, certain newbie guitarists appear to take to
the guitar like a "duck to water", they rapidly bypass the
dedicated struggling guitarists.
Why is this so? There doesn't appear to be any musical justice
... is it a case of some players are more musically gifted...
have these special players been touched by some divine ray?
Reality: Perfect, practice makes perfect. This slight change in
the "practice makes perfect" chant makes all the difference.
The key is to have presence of mind when you practice, the first
mistake should be a warning, the second mistake is fatal.
In fact, practicing without paying close attention to every
sound you make can be more harmful than not practicing. It's a
fact that it takes one hundred correct inputs to correct one
incorrect input!
Remember... "perfect", practice make perfect. Your fingers are
not the thinking part of the your body, you must correct any
incorrect piece of information, otherwise you will become very
proficient at playing mistakes.
And that's why some guitarists make rapid progress and others
don't... it has nothing to do with natural talent, being musical
gifted, having a musical ear or any other such old wives tales.
Benefits Of Going With Reality: The good news is... anyone can
learn to play the guitar in a relatively short period of time, provided they know how to practice perfectly!
It is essential that you train your nervous system to perform your
musical skills with 100% accuracy. You do this by stopping
immediately you hear a mistake.
Don't let any mistake go by unnoticed, every mistake plants the
germ of additional mistakes that will appear just when you do not
want them... particularly when you are working under pressure in
a performance situation.
The really fun part is that you are totally in charge of quality
control. This means you are responsible for the progress you make
on the guitar.
There is no one else to blame, there is no excuse... you can do
it if you make perfect practice a way of life.
I invite you to use these tips and tools when you play the
from their teachers, friends and parents that's the word
Usually this word is accompanied by the well-worn phrase
"practice makes perfect". Like many other phrases that have been
handed down and parroted off over the ages this little gem of
wisdom is only partly true!
Let's take a closer look and make an important distinction.
Myth: Practice makes perfect... or does it? Well it should,
everyone has told us that it would work... however I know many
dedicated would-be guitarists who have practiced relentlessly for
almost as long as I have been alive and they certainly don't seem
to make much musical progress.
On the other hand, certain newbie guitarists appear to take to
the guitar like a "duck to water", they rapidly bypass the
dedicated struggling guitarists.
Why is this so? There doesn't appear to be any musical justice
... is it a case of some players are more musically gifted...
have these special players been touched by some divine ray?
Reality: Perfect, practice makes perfect. This slight change in
the "practice makes perfect" chant makes all the difference.
The key is to have presence of mind when you practice, the first
mistake should be a warning, the second mistake is fatal.
In fact, practicing without paying close attention to every
sound you make can be more harmful than not practicing. It's a
fact that it takes one hundred correct inputs to correct one
incorrect input!
Remember... "perfect", practice make perfect. Your fingers are
not the thinking part of the your body, you must correct any
incorrect piece of information, otherwise you will become very
proficient at playing mistakes.
And that's why some guitarists make rapid progress and others
don't... it has nothing to do with natural talent, being musical
gifted, having a musical ear or any other such old wives tales.
Benefits Of Going With Reality: The good news is... anyone can
learn to play the guitar in a relatively short period of time, provided they know how to practice perfectly!
It is essential that you train your nervous system to perform your
musical skills with 100% accuracy. You do this by stopping
immediately you hear a mistake.
Don't let any mistake go by unnoticed, every mistake plants the
germ of additional mistakes that will appear just when you do not
want them... particularly when you are working under pressure in
a performance situation.
The really fun part is that you are totally in charge of quality
control. This means you are responsible for the progress you make
on the guitar.
There is no one else to blame, there is no excuse... you can do
it if you make perfect practice a way of life.
I invite you to use these tips and tools when you play the