Basic Human Evolutionary Psychology
Humans have been breeding since... well, since the time where our ancestors popped one of us out that could be classified as a human really. All of us are the by product of breeding. All of your ancestors were successful in reproducing. You carry genes that have been passed down from parent to child throughout the generations.
What does all this mean? Well, two of the most agreed upon goals of life for any organism is the goal to survive and the goal to replicate or reproduce. These two goals, biologically, are the core purpose of any organism. To continue on the species down our family lines and to spread our genes is a biological success.
Getting down to the basics, there is two ways a person determines if another person is a good person to mate with. Firstly, the person is preferably of the opposite sex (now of course this only explains male to female and vice versa attraction). The person has to have reproductive value for the other, namely, mating with the person will provide the chance of having a baby that has good genes (namely, genes that will help the child survive and replicate). Secondly, a person has to have good survival value. The person is healthy and has qualities about them that continue their survival and they provide their partner and offspring provisions so that they survive and replicate more.
In most cases, females have a higher reproductive value than we do. Females will always have a guy that wants to reproduce with them. Rarely will you see a female without a single guy that will desire them. Even ugly girls, if they went out and offered sex freely could get laid. Getting laid simply isn't a hard thing for girls to do. Guys hand out sex on a platter to almost all women and therefore the reproductive value of most guys is well, nothing. Unless you have good genes that help your offspring survive and replicate more. I'll get to this point later, after I explain survival value.
Males however have more survival value. As social creatures we band together in groups. It may sound cliche, but in almost all times in history, the men would go and provide for the family while the women would tend at home. Men are simply built more for hunting and physical work. The men would look after the women and children and thus provide survival value. Nowadays, women can survive on their own. Times have changed and the need to find a male to survive is gone. Also, in this day and age, men are becoming boys and have less and less survival AND replication value.
Now I'm painting a bleak view of the world and you better believe it. In terms of the game of sex, women obviously have the advantage over a vast majority of men. But there is hope. There is a select, small group of men that women like to breed with, men that they go crazy after. These men have the qualities that invoke deep emotions in the women, emotions that were developed through millions of years of evolution. The emotions are telling the women to reproduce with these men because the men display the qualities that genetically have been extremely successful in both survival and replication. Who are these men?
The alpha males. Alpha males are the leaders, the ones with authority and power over a social group and also the ones who have the most part in determining whether the group survives or dies. The alpha males are on the top of the social hierarchy and other males will usually rank themselves down (though this is not entirely conscious). To lead the group, the alpha male has to have important qualities to them. The ability to make decisions, gain trust, have at least respect and even admiration of the group, among other attributes are needed. So why are they so damn attractive to women?
Before the development of society, humans lived in tribes or small groups. The alpha males, being the leader would have the pick of the women to breed with. He would also be well looked after by his followers and this care would extend to his multiple partners and offspring. It would in fact be advantageous for a woman to attempt to breed with the alpha male due to the protection and extra care they and their offspring would gain from the venture. The children of the alpha males would also have qualities of their fathers and these would be the qualities that put him in the position in the first place. Being a child of the alpha, there would be increased chance for the child to become the alpha themselves and have the same opportunities to pass on the genes. The alpha males were ultimately attractive for their survival and replication value.
What about the beta males? Beta males get laid purely on survival value. That is, they have the capacity for looking after the female and their young, they have relatively good genes, and they are safe in that they don't have as much choice in partners as the alpha males and thus would be more stable in their relationships (and looking after the young). Also, coupled with the fact that there are far more beta males than alpha males, and that the alphas might not want to bump uglies with all the women, statistically and out of necessity, women will still mate with betas. The woman still has the drive to reproduce and when the best is not available, they may settle for less.
So what would be the point of me giving you this bleak (if you're not an alpha) sounding history lesson? Well, the good news is that as humans, we are intelligent creatures. Well, most of us are anyway, and if you're reading this at the moment you most definitely have the amount of intelligence needed to understand what I'm going to tell you next.
We're intelligent creatures and with the invention of language and society, a new era of sexual science had emerged. Our groups became too big and alphas became more dispersed. People could learn and pass on information. People passed on their ideas of attraction and seduction. Previously beta males could learn to become alphas through altering their behaviour, which was also an outcome of intelligence.
Even though our intelligence has developed tremendously in the last however many thousand years of evolution, our emotional brains, having been highly developed through millions of years of hard testing, haven't changed much at all. This includes the base instincts in females to respond to alpha males and in particularly the qualities that an alpha male possesses. We are able to consciously study and alter behaviour as we wish. If we put in the hard work, we can change our behaviour to fit the blueprints of an alpha male. With verbal communication, we can convey information that denotes us as alpha males.
This is just the next step in our evolution. Women wear makeup, dye their hair, do their nails and have cosmetic surgery to accent and alter their physical attributes to highlight and maximise their attractive qualities. Fortunately, for us males, we only really need to learn to display certain attributes. As a final aside, it is important to remember that evolutionarily, there was no need for verbal game. Our non verbals are much more important than what we say and keeping this in mind will help you immensely through your journey.
What does all this mean? Well, two of the most agreed upon goals of life for any organism is the goal to survive and the goal to replicate or reproduce. These two goals, biologically, are the core purpose of any organism. To continue on the species down our family lines and to spread our genes is a biological success.
Getting down to the basics, there is two ways a person determines if another person is a good person to mate with. Firstly, the person is preferably of the opposite sex (now of course this only explains male to female and vice versa attraction). The person has to have reproductive value for the other, namely, mating with the person will provide the chance of having a baby that has good genes (namely, genes that will help the child survive and replicate). Secondly, a person has to have good survival value. The person is healthy and has qualities about them that continue their survival and they provide their partner and offspring provisions so that they survive and replicate more.
In most cases, females have a higher reproductive value than we do. Females will always have a guy that wants to reproduce with them. Rarely will you see a female without a single guy that will desire them. Even ugly girls, if they went out and offered sex freely could get laid. Getting laid simply isn't a hard thing for girls to do. Guys hand out sex on a platter to almost all women and therefore the reproductive value of most guys is well, nothing. Unless you have good genes that help your offspring survive and replicate more. I'll get to this point later, after I explain survival value.
Males however have more survival value. As social creatures we band together in groups. It may sound cliche, but in almost all times in history, the men would go and provide for the family while the women would tend at home. Men are simply built more for hunting and physical work. The men would look after the women and children and thus provide survival value. Nowadays, women can survive on their own. Times have changed and the need to find a male to survive is gone. Also, in this day and age, men are becoming boys and have less and less survival AND replication value.
Now I'm painting a bleak view of the world and you better believe it. In terms of the game of sex, women obviously have the advantage over a vast majority of men. But there is hope. There is a select, small group of men that women like to breed with, men that they go crazy after. These men have the qualities that invoke deep emotions in the women, emotions that were developed through millions of years of evolution. The emotions are telling the women to reproduce with these men because the men display the qualities that genetically have been extremely successful in both survival and replication. Who are these men?
The alpha males. Alpha males are the leaders, the ones with authority and power over a social group and also the ones who have the most part in determining whether the group survives or dies. The alpha males are on the top of the social hierarchy and other males will usually rank themselves down (though this is not entirely conscious). To lead the group, the alpha male has to have important qualities to them. The ability to make decisions, gain trust, have at least respect and even admiration of the group, among other attributes are needed. So why are they so damn attractive to women?
Before the development of society, humans lived in tribes or small groups. The alpha males, being the leader would have the pick of the women to breed with. He would also be well looked after by his followers and this care would extend to his multiple partners and offspring. It would in fact be advantageous for a woman to attempt to breed with the alpha male due to the protection and extra care they and their offspring would gain from the venture. The children of the alpha males would also have qualities of their fathers and these would be the qualities that put him in the position in the first place. Being a child of the alpha, there would be increased chance for the child to become the alpha themselves and have the same opportunities to pass on the genes. The alpha males were ultimately attractive for their survival and replication value.
What about the beta males? Beta males get laid purely on survival value. That is, they have the capacity for looking after the female and their young, they have relatively good genes, and they are safe in that they don't have as much choice in partners as the alpha males and thus would be more stable in their relationships (and looking after the young). Also, coupled with the fact that there are far more beta males than alpha males, and that the alphas might not want to bump uglies with all the women, statistically and out of necessity, women will still mate with betas. The woman still has the drive to reproduce and when the best is not available, they may settle for less.
So what would be the point of me giving you this bleak (if you're not an alpha) sounding history lesson? Well, the good news is that as humans, we are intelligent creatures. Well, most of us are anyway, and if you're reading this at the moment you most definitely have the amount of intelligence needed to understand what I'm going to tell you next.
We're intelligent creatures and with the invention of language and society, a new era of sexual science had emerged. Our groups became too big and alphas became more dispersed. People could learn and pass on information. People passed on their ideas of attraction and seduction. Previously beta males could learn to become alphas through altering their behaviour, which was also an outcome of intelligence.
Even though our intelligence has developed tremendously in the last however many thousand years of evolution, our emotional brains, having been highly developed through millions of years of hard testing, haven't changed much at all. This includes the base instincts in females to respond to alpha males and in particularly the qualities that an alpha male possesses. We are able to consciously study and alter behaviour as we wish. If we put in the hard work, we can change our behaviour to fit the blueprints of an alpha male. With verbal communication, we can convey information that denotes us as alpha males.
This is just the next step in our evolution. Women wear makeup, dye their hair, do their nails and have cosmetic surgery to accent and alter their physical attributes to highlight and maximise their attractive qualities. Fortunately, for us males, we only really need to learn to display certain attributes. As a final aside, it is important to remember that evolutionarily, there was no need for verbal game. Our non verbals are much more important than what we say and keeping this in mind will help you immensely through your journey.