How to Restore House Shutters
- 1). Remove the shutters. The shutters are secured to the siding with four or six Phillips head screws. Start with the bottom screws and work your way to the top. Place the screws in a container and mark each shutter on the back to help you remember where it goes.
- 2). Set up a work area. Find a shady area if you are working outside. Avoid painting in direct sunlight. Set up two sawhorses.
- 3). Clean the shutters. Trisodium phosphate (TSP) is one of the best all-purpose cleaners. It is available at hardware or home supply stores. Mix up the recommended amount of TSP and water in a bucket. Add a little chlorine bleach if your shutters suffer from a mildew problem. Scrub the shutters with a scrub brush. Toothbrushes are very helpful to clean the difficult nooks and crannies.
- 4). Lightly sand the shutters with 150-grit sandpaper.
- 5). Apply a exterior latex primer. (If you are radically changing the color of the shutters, ask the paint store to tint the primer with the new paint color. You can also have a mildewcide added to prevent mildew problems.) Place the shutter on the sawhorses. Apply the primer with a paint brush and roller. Paint the edges with the brush (painters refer to this technique as "cutting in"). Cut in all the areas that the roller is unable to reach, and then finish applying the primer with the roller. Once you have painted one shutter, carefully remove it from the sawhorses and place it in a secure spot to dry. Place another shutter on the sawhorses and repeat the process.
- 6). Paint the shutters with exterior latex paint. Place a shutter on the sawhorses. Cut in with the brush and then finish painting the shutter with the roller. Inspect the shutter for drips, runs and missed spots. Carefully remove the shutter from the sawhorses. Place another shutter on the sawhorses and repeat the process. Allow the shutters to dry completely.
- 1). Remove the shutters from the house. Set up a work area with two sawhorses.
- 2). Wash the shutters. Mix up TSP and warm water in a bucket. Scrub the shutters with a scrub brush. Rinse them thoroughly to remove soap residue.
- 3). Mix up a small amount of two-part auto filler. Auto filler may be purchased at auto supply stores. Apply the auto filler to the damaged areas with a putty knife. Smooth the area with the putty knife. There should be a slight mound over the patched area.
- 4). Sand the patched areas with 150-grit sandpaper. Sand the areas until they are smooth and level with the surrounding area.
- 5). Prime and paint the shutters. Prime the shutters with exterior latex primer. Allow the primer to dry. Paint the shutters with exterior latex paint.