Elder Care Marking Time
She went to bed and it wasn't very long before she did just that.
I saw it when I worked in the nursing home.
Some patients just gave up.
There were many reasons for this.
Some were ill but some were put into the nursing home and more or less abandoned by their family.
That can make you want to give up on life in a hurry.
Our elder has made this comment many times over the last two years.
She has said she "wants to die and get it over with.
" It's not an issue for assisted suicide, she is marking time.
In fact, I suspect some of it is boredom.
How to Help: The unit our elder is in provides a great deal of stimulation for the residents.
Our elder is drawn into these activities by the director and the caregivers.
She is enjoying herself despite the fact she doesn't want to.
There are outings, live entertainment and other activities designed for people in her condition.
Finding a place like our elder's is one way to help.
Doing it Yourself: This can be done at home if the elder in question is physically able or there is enough help to manage.
Going to the movies, taking a drive in the country or otherwise relieving the monotony will encourage the elder and stop the feeling of marking time until death.
Little Things: Our elder is like most of us.
It doesn't take a huge gesture to get her out of that mood.
Coming to have lunch with her or bringing by some magazines help.
Each is different but you can look for the little things that make a big difference.
Bob and the Baby: There is a gentleman in our elder's unit that has a tendency to be totally unresponsive.
When he is responsive it can be in a negative fashion.
You should see his face when we bring our granddaughter to visit our elder.
On our last visit she pulled out a chair at his table, climbed up into it and grinned at him.
I don't think I've ever seen him happier.
Our elders don't need to mark time until the end of their lives.
They need to be encouraged to live life and to enjoy it.
When we can we should help them to do just that.