How Can I Reduce Clutter Before the Holidays?
But, what can you do about this before the holidays? Start working on getting organized now and enjoy the revitalizing feeling of clearing and organizing your space.
Begin with a Walk Through the House If you are having difficulty getting started with decluttering, grab a trash bag, walk through each room of the house and throw away everything that is destined for the trash.
Doing this will get rid of some of the clutter and give you an opportunity to observe what areas of your house really need attention.
Pay close attention to flat surfaces.
Just getting a few items off of countertops, tables, dressers and beds will make you feel better and set the groundwork for an in depth decluttering of your home.
Make a List of Clutter Areas Make a list of clutter areas noting whether they are small areas or huge piles.
Decide which areas cause you the most stress and highlight them or mark them with a star.
Start with these areas working from small areas to the larger areas.
Decluttering even a small area will give you the motivation to continue working on a larger area at another time.
Gather Your Organizing Tools Gather together a few boxes or trash bags to start the decluttering process.
You will want a junk box for throw a ways; a recycle box for items that will be given away or sold; a catch all box for items that belong some place else in the house; and an undecided box which is for items that you just can't make a decision about at that time.
Decluttering Time Has Arrived It is now time to start the space clearing process.
Start on time and don't put off the unavoidable for another minute.
Look at the process as part of a workday and be your own tough, focused boss.
The Clutter Test As you are organizing clutter, ask yourself if the item raises your energy when you look at it or think about it.
Is the item something that you absolutely love? Is the item something that is truly useful? Answering yes to these questions will tell you that you need to keep the item.
If you answer no to these questions, ask yourself what this item is doing in your life.