Let Your Kids See The World From A Different Perspective, Give Them A Microscope
There are many things you provide to your children especially at birthdays and holidays.
The problem however is that much of what we give to our kids are the electronic, site and watch or listen types of gifts.
These do precious little to encourage their sense of understanding, wonderment or interest in the world around them.
All kids have an interest in the outside world and latent creativity.
What makes things work and why are two of the strongest interests in many kids.
The trick for parents is to bring out these natural interests through activities that encourage exploration and development.
If your interested in helping your child to develop a well rounded interest in life [and who isn't] it's important to expose them to new activities.
We're not talking about turning on the Travel Channel or Discovery on the television.
Kids learn by hands on activities like having a microscope.
Here are a few examples.
Want to teach your child about the environment? Get them a microscope.
Collect some trash like a banana peel and a water bottle.
Leave both outside for a few weeks then go exploring.
Use the microscope to see how the banana peel has decomposed at a cellular level and will return back into the environment.
Now look at the plastic bottle.
How about checking out something as simple as tree leaves?Using leaves as a lead in, it would make a perfect time to explain the role trees play in keeping our air clean by using carbon dioxide and creating oxygen.
Use a microscope to look at water from different sources.
From the kitchen sink, there's far fewer "debris" than the gutter run off from a spring rain.
This would be a perfect time to explain how thinking before pouring anything down the drain can help the environment.
There are thousands of things that you can use a microscope for to encourage your childs natural curiosity and get them away from the electronic playground we're provided for them.
A microscope can get them outside, exploring their world, enjoying the air and wonderment that is our planet.
Just get them started and the interest will take off.
When selecting a microscope for child use, consider one that supports the ability to take pictures of the results.
This will enable you to create photos of the things your kids found fascinating.
The pictures make great decorations on a bedroom wall which in turn may generate even more interest in learning more about a subject.
Open a real world for your childrens enjoyment and exploration.
Get them a microscope.
The problem however is that much of what we give to our kids are the electronic, site and watch or listen types of gifts.
These do precious little to encourage their sense of understanding, wonderment or interest in the world around them.
All kids have an interest in the outside world and latent creativity.
What makes things work and why are two of the strongest interests in many kids.
The trick for parents is to bring out these natural interests through activities that encourage exploration and development.
If your interested in helping your child to develop a well rounded interest in life [and who isn't] it's important to expose them to new activities.
We're not talking about turning on the Travel Channel or Discovery on the television.
Kids learn by hands on activities like having a microscope.
Here are a few examples.
Want to teach your child about the environment? Get them a microscope.
Collect some trash like a banana peel and a water bottle.
Leave both outside for a few weeks then go exploring.
Use the microscope to see how the banana peel has decomposed at a cellular level and will return back into the environment.
Now look at the plastic bottle.
How about checking out something as simple as tree leaves?Using leaves as a lead in, it would make a perfect time to explain the role trees play in keeping our air clean by using carbon dioxide and creating oxygen.
Use a microscope to look at water from different sources.
From the kitchen sink, there's far fewer "debris" than the gutter run off from a spring rain.
This would be a perfect time to explain how thinking before pouring anything down the drain can help the environment.
There are thousands of things that you can use a microscope for to encourage your childs natural curiosity and get them away from the electronic playground we're provided for them.
A microscope can get them outside, exploring their world, enjoying the air and wonderment that is our planet.
Just get them started and the interest will take off.
When selecting a microscope for child use, consider one that supports the ability to take pictures of the results.
This will enable you to create photos of the things your kids found fascinating.
The pictures make great decorations on a bedroom wall which in turn may generate even more interest in learning more about a subject.
Open a real world for your childrens enjoyment and exploration.
Get them a microscope.