Installation of WordPress in HostGator
- 1). Log in to the HostGator control panel.
- 2). Scroll down to the Software/Services section.
- 3). Click on the "QuickInstall" icon.
- 4). Click the "WordPress" link in the Blog Software category.
- 5). Click the "Continue" button.
- 6). Enter the domain name in the first box next to http://. The box to the right of the domain name is the folder name to install WordPress. If you want WordPress installed in the root of your domain, leave the second box blank.
- 7). Enter an admin email address. This should be a valid email address. The password will be emailed to the address entered.
- 8). Enter the blog title, first name and last name in the allocated fields.
- 9). Click the "Install Now!" button.