Evangelism - "Connections" Day 7 "Let"s Show Others They can do it Too (and Don"t Forget to Lea
Biblical, Scripture audio for ideas.
Witnessing skills for church builders, including youth and Evangelism.
As John the Baptist (quoting Isaiah 40) said: "Prepare the way for the lord, make straight paths for him" 'Connections', a 7 day "Everyday Evangelism" mini seminar Day 7: "Let's show others they can do it too (and don't forget to learn!)" Of course I want you to share this series with others, but more I want you to share with them what you have learnt and ARE doing.
Encourage others where you are.
Learn from them too.
Keep reading good evangelistic books and attending seminars to improve your skills.
Do more courses like this and apply everything you learn.
Do this forever.
Yes, forever because I believe God will still be instructing us in Heaven.
This is most important.
The most successful people are all proud to be wearing 'L' Plates on their back.
There is always more to learn.
You will never know it all.
Remember that and much wisdom will come your way.
Not at all contradicting the above let me give a word of warning! Don't just become a 'seminar junkie'.
Use what you learn! Don't just put this on the shelf to stay there forever.
Prioritize what you learn.
It takes time and effort to apply these simple procedures.
Remember you are investing yourself in people and the work God has called you to do.
Don't be a perpetual student! You can't do every evangelistic course there is on offer.
Pick which is best for you.
I believe I have founded, enhanced and generally improved lots of edgy evangelistic Christian ministry over the last few decades.
Despite this self-praise (hey, somebody has to compliment me ), I don't think any of my ideas were original.
Most were adapted from other successful Evangelists work.
I merely changed them to suit my context.
I'm always hungry for new ideas.
I think that's a key.
Always be hungry to show others (humbly) and learn from them how God is bringing people into the Kingdom.
Everything must be done through the power of the Holy Spirit.
I was told once doing God's work was like body surfing.
When you saw a wave, you paddled like hell (pardon the pun) to catch it, not knowing whether it would be a short ride or a rocket right into the beach or something in between.
You just have to make sure it's God's wave.
Model what it is to be God's Evangelist.
Model being an Ambassador for Jesus Christ.
Take to heart what the Apostle Paul says: "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.
We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God" 2 Corinthians 5: 20.
Think on this! The creator of the universe chooses to work through us, his people.
Thank you for doing this 'Connections' 7 Day Seminar.
I pray it has reminded you of things you already knew.
I also hope you learnt some new things.
I hope I have triggered some heartstrings for you that have been placed there by God.
May God bless you in all your endeavors.
My parting thoughts for now: Find one person in your church (or elsewhere) that has brought others to our Lord.
Encourage that person and ask them what methods and tools they use.
Learn and (humbly) share what you are doing.