How Much Money Are People Really Making With eBooks?
Two or three weeks ago I was at a family gathering when a relative of mine asked me point blank: "how much money are people really making with eBooks, Ethan?" This question took me slightly by surprise because of the tone of voice used by this relative.
It was almost as if to suggest nobody is really making money with eBooks and that I'm running around blowing smoke.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
I've seen it all.
Educated college professors who can barely eek out a living as published authors, and semi-literate high school dropouts raking in 5 figures a month publishing eBooks.
There's so much diversity in this industry, it would leave your head spinning.
Not everyone makes money.
Not everyone has what it takes to earn a living being their own boss.
Here's something else I know...
virtually anyone has the raw skills and knowledge necessary to build a thriving eBook publishing business.
The only difference between the people who make money and those who don't often comes down to who has the better road map.
Let me explain.
Starting and growing an eBook publishing business is a lot like climbing a mountain.
Very few people seem to ever reach the peak of the mountain.
Those who make it to the top often have a good map that takes all the guesswork out of the process.
You just follow the instructions and wave for the camera when you reach the summit of the mountain.
It's the same way with the eBook publishing business.
If you have a battle tested road map, the process of making money becomes significantly easier.
Makes sense, doesn't it? So can people really make money with eBooks? The answer is a resounding yes -- especially when they follow a plan.
It was almost as if to suggest nobody is really making money with eBooks and that I'm running around blowing smoke.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
I've seen it all.
Educated college professors who can barely eek out a living as published authors, and semi-literate high school dropouts raking in 5 figures a month publishing eBooks.
There's so much diversity in this industry, it would leave your head spinning.
Not everyone makes money.
Not everyone has what it takes to earn a living being their own boss.
Here's something else I know...
virtually anyone has the raw skills and knowledge necessary to build a thriving eBook publishing business.
The only difference between the people who make money and those who don't often comes down to who has the better road map.
Let me explain.
Starting and growing an eBook publishing business is a lot like climbing a mountain.
Very few people seem to ever reach the peak of the mountain.
Those who make it to the top often have a good map that takes all the guesswork out of the process.
You just follow the instructions and wave for the camera when you reach the summit of the mountain.
It's the same way with the eBook publishing business.
If you have a battle tested road map, the process of making money becomes significantly easier.
Makes sense, doesn't it? So can people really make money with eBooks? The answer is a resounding yes -- especially when they follow a plan.