3 Tips For How Cleaning Affects Acne
One extremely common myth is that dirt, or being dirty, is a cause of acne.
There's no reason to believe this to be true.
Acne is caused by a combination of factors, some of which you have little or no control over, such as your internal hormonal balance or the way your skin renews itself naturally.
Luckily, there are a handful of things that you do have control over that will help you keep your acne under control.
If you follow a few simple suggestions for how to keep your skin healthy and hygienic, you will most certainly improve your skin condition.
Acne Control tip #1 -- Do not wash too much.
As we say above, dirt is not causing you to have acne outbreaks.
Therefore, excessive scrubbing and washing and sudsing won't make it go away.
Try to keep from washing your face or other affected areas more than twice per day.
If you wash more than twice per day, you run the risk that you make your healthy skin too dry, and you irritate the areas of skin that are already acne prone.
If you routinely overwash, you may also cause excess oil production, which will clog your pores, and possibly cause more breakouts.
Sometimes, overly dry skin is worse than having oily skin.
Acne Control tip #2 -- Don't scrub too hard.
Kind of funny to say it that way, but the advice is fairly basic.
Sure, it's okay to exfoliate, and it's important to make sure you are cleaning sufficiently to actually cleanse the skin, but when you do so, make sure you use a gentle formula, one with small grains as its exfoliating agent.
Avoid products where they have large, or oddly shaped fragments, there's a good chance that they irritate or even damage your skin, which will further aggravate your acne.
Acne Control tip #3 -- Avoid alcohol.
I don't mean the kind you drink, though you should limit that, as well.
If you use a skin toner, avoid products that have a high concentration of isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol.
This kind of alcohol acts as a very strong astringent, which strips the top layer of your skin off entirely, causing your glands to produce more oil.
Of course, the result is that you have dry skin which is now subject to extra oil production.
The end result is dry skin, and possibly more acne.
If you follow these 3 tips on how to control your acne, you will probably start to see your skin become healthier and less prone to outbreaks.
There's no reason to believe this to be true.
Acne is caused by a combination of factors, some of which you have little or no control over, such as your internal hormonal balance or the way your skin renews itself naturally.
Luckily, there are a handful of things that you do have control over that will help you keep your acne under control.
If you follow a few simple suggestions for how to keep your skin healthy and hygienic, you will most certainly improve your skin condition.
Acne Control tip #1 -- Do not wash too much.
As we say above, dirt is not causing you to have acne outbreaks.
Therefore, excessive scrubbing and washing and sudsing won't make it go away.
Try to keep from washing your face or other affected areas more than twice per day.
If you wash more than twice per day, you run the risk that you make your healthy skin too dry, and you irritate the areas of skin that are already acne prone.
If you routinely overwash, you may also cause excess oil production, which will clog your pores, and possibly cause more breakouts.
Sometimes, overly dry skin is worse than having oily skin.
Acne Control tip #2 -- Don't scrub too hard.
Kind of funny to say it that way, but the advice is fairly basic.
Sure, it's okay to exfoliate, and it's important to make sure you are cleaning sufficiently to actually cleanse the skin, but when you do so, make sure you use a gentle formula, one with small grains as its exfoliating agent.
Avoid products where they have large, or oddly shaped fragments, there's a good chance that they irritate or even damage your skin, which will further aggravate your acne.
Acne Control tip #3 -- Avoid alcohol.
I don't mean the kind you drink, though you should limit that, as well.
If you use a skin toner, avoid products that have a high concentration of isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol.
This kind of alcohol acts as a very strong astringent, which strips the top layer of your skin off entirely, causing your glands to produce more oil.
Of course, the result is that you have dry skin which is now subject to extra oil production.
The end result is dry skin, and possibly more acne.
If you follow these 3 tips on how to control your acne, you will probably start to see your skin become healthier and less prone to outbreaks.