Traveling With More = Traveling For Less
Most of us with "itchy feet" prefer to decide on our own itineraries. We don't want to be constrained to times and places decided by other people's prearranged schedules, much preferring to wander free, when and where our fancies dictate. That's why hiring a Backpacker Campervan is the optimal choice. It allows us to literally travel by the seat of our pants, to explore unmapped roads, to pull over and have a picnic or take a hike, or to drive into the nearest town for a look-see. If we decide to play till the wee hours, nobody is going to insist we get up at the crack of dawn to get to the next place. And with so many exciting destinations awaiting us, we can make last minute decisions to visit unexpected vistas without consulting anyone but each other.
There are so many different things to do in Australia, it is advisable to make at least a general travel plan before departing. It's especially important to check distances between destinations, since there are often long stretches of empty road between stops and you don't want to be caught without supplies or petrol. Get your companions together for a pre-trip planning party, look at maps, take a virtual tour via Internet and make some mutual decisions before you pack. You don't want to be stuffing ski gear into your van when the driver unilaterally decides on a jaunt to the Great Barrier Reef, for example.
Traveling through New Zealand offers the opportunity for even larger groups to holiday together. At Campervan Hire New Zealand South Island you can avail yourself of vehicles that sleep two, four or six people and that also include onboard toilet and shower facilities. There are more than three hundred holiday parks in beautiful areas where you can park your campervan, replenish your water supply, charge your batteries and mingle with other campers. These parks are located in environments as diverse as natural bush and sandy beach-fronts, mountains and thermal springs. In earlier times, families chose holiday parks as tent-sites for their annual summer holiday; nowadays, campervans have replaced tents, but the result is the same: a peaceful, fun-filled inexpensive getaway.
Whether you plan to holiday in Australia or New Zealand, it's always best to get all your ducks in a row prior to departure. Confer with your fellow travelers on the size of the vehicle you want, mutual interests, type of destination, length of trip and how expenses will be shared. Regardless of your final decisions, keep in mind that traveling is cheaper when you travel together. And don't forget your camera!