How to Preserve the Life of Outdoor Garden Furniture
You can preserve each piece you own by employing a variety of practical maintenance tips.
All-Weather Rattan - Certain collections are UV and all-weather treated but others are not.
If it is treated you should still keep in mind the following helpful bits of advice about preservation and care: In some cases, it is appropriate to clean all-weather outdoor garden furniture with a hose.
In any case, make sure you do not drench it with too much water because the UV or waterproof treatment could wear down.
After you clean each piece make sure not to leave it in the sun indefinitely.
This will ensure maximum protection and prolonged life of each piece.
Furthermore, even if each item is protected with a weatherproof shield, make sure you use the protective cover that usually is provided with it to further protect and preserve your set when it is not in use.
If your pieces are not treated keep this in mind: Unprotected Rattan - Untreated rattan furniture has a tendency to dry out, so it's critical to remove your untreated pieces out of the sun you are not using them, and keep them move them out of heat sources.
This becomes of the utmost importance in this case because it has not been treated with any UV or water resistant coating at all.
Dust every piece as often as possible and vacuum often to remove the dust out of the seams and finishes.
You can clean each piece with a damp cloth, however make sure you do not use excess amounts of water or cause the material to wear or rot more quickly.
Furthermore, in order to restore the pliable nature and moisture of the natural fiber used to create your fine rattan sets, set the piece in a bathtub filled of warm water.
This will ensure that your pieces will last as long as you need them to last.
If you do your part and properly care for your outdoor garden furniture, it will last for years and look great.
Caring for each unit does not require intensive labor, but it does require that you be diligent about treating each piece.
You'll save a large sum of money and as a result you will delight in using it possibly for your entire lifetime.