Aloe Vera - The Healing Herb
So, what gives Aloe such remarkable properties? Broadly speaking, it has eighteen amino acids, many minerals, and vitamins that attribute to its widely popular medicinal use. Its oral intake and topical dressings are known to facilitate healing in case of wounds, ulcers, burns, rashes, blisters, sunburns, frost bites, dermatitis, and is also used to prevent and prolong the formation of wrinkles. Adding to these benefits, it has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. It finds application as a digestive and a laxative for treating constipation.
Aloe Vera is a popular garden plant and grows well in arid areas. The sturdy plant does not require too much looking after. Its succulent leaves and interesting flowers make it a good decorative plant. You can even grow Aloe Vera at home and use fresh succulent leaves for topical application.
In the market, Aloe Vera is available in the form of cream, gel, extract, juice, and powder. Skin lotions, shampoos, cosmetics, you name it. Aloe finds its extensive use in an array of household products. Providing relief from kidney, liver, and stomach ailments are among aloe's common use. Its utilization in a staggering number of conditions is mind boggling.
However, its consumption is not advisable for people with heart ailments as it can cause irregularity in heart beats. Also, since it promotes uterine contractions it's not prescribed for pregnant women.
As a consumer, what is important for you to know is that the aloe industry is yet to be well regulated. Therefore, when buying any such product, make it a point to read the ingredients carefully. There are many brands and forms of this herbal medicine available in the market, and many of them may not even have the aloe content in a sufficient quantity. It doesn't hurt to remember a few basics. When using externally on your skin as a cream or an ointment, ensure that the product has at least twenty percent or more of aloe content. For oral Ingestion, ensure that the juice has ninety five percent Aloe content, while pills should contain at least five to ten percent or more of the herb in them. However, it is best to consult a medical practitioner before taking aloe vera in any form.
A lot of research is still going on aloe, its uses and its applications and as with all herbal medicines the quantity and quality control is still a gray area. Be well informed and when in doubt always consult your doctor. Cheers to this wonder herb and to your happy health.