Business Marketing Has Changed Drastically in the Last 50-Years
And yet, I feel often they do such an injustice to the entire of concept of marketing, what it means, the tradition behind it and the true value.
If I might be so bold, I would like to recommend a book that will best illustrate my points here: "Marketing and Distribution Research" by Lyndon O.
Brown, PhD.
- 1955.
This is a very old book and of specific interest to a life-time studier of marketing.
The author the methodology; the science of marking and distribution research.
And he uses the scientific methods of the time throughout the book.
In Part I of the book he describes the importance of such research, how one needs to approach organizing their data, the types of methods that can be used and the scientific methods behind them.
If one is to truly understand the reality of marketing research then they must understand some of the history behind the science or art.
In Part II the author introduces chapters on:
- Marketing Research Procedures
- The Situation Analysis
- The Informal Investigation
- Planning the Formal Research Project
- Preparation of the Forms for Collecting Data
- The Principles of Sampling
- Planning the Sample for Market Research
- The Final Plan
- Collecting Marketing Data
- Tabulation and Analysis
- Interpretation
- Presentation of the Results and Follow-up
Of course, information is now abundant, yet, much of the information is not really correct, do you know the difference if you do not verify? The author goes further on describing other types of research for business such as; motivational, operations, distribution, sales, advertising, product, trends, and industrial and institutional marketing research.
Do I recommend this book to you? Well it depends if you are deep thinker or a shallow, just shoot from the hip type.
It is in my personal business library, I learned a lot from it, things that most marketers never consider are in this 515-page book.
Please thin about what I am saying here and honor the profession of marketing.
Sincerely, Lance.