Rubber Ducky Birthday Ideas
- Your guests may enjoy a party featuring the familiar rubber ducky.rubber duck in bubbles image by Karin Lau from
At some point, many people have rubber duckies floating around their homes. They're especially enjoyable for kids to play with in tinted blue bath water. Since they may be familiar to many people, rubber duckies are also a useful unisex birthday party theme. Let your party guests have a splashing good time with rubber ducky activities. - This wet game from will have your guests choosing a rubber ducky to win a mysterious prize. Before your party, stuff prizes into white paper lunch bags. Some ideas are a box of crayons, a pack of nice pencils, small bouncy balls, puzzles and any other items you can find at dollar stores. You'll also need to use permanent markers to write numbers on the bottom of several rubber duckies, then write matching numbers on each of your prize bags. To prepare for the game, you'll need to fill a wading pool with some water, then add the duckies. When it's time to play, each guest will take a turn scooping up a rubber ducky and he'll win the prize bag that corresponds with the number on the bottom of the duck.
- Duck-shaped cookies surrounded in bright blue cookie bubbles are sure to be a crowd-pleaser. For this snack idea from the lil' duck duck website, make some duck-shaped sugar cookies. Prepare your favorite sugar cookie dough recipe, then knead in some yellow food coloring. Roll out the dough to 1/4 inch, cut out the cookies with duck cookie cutters, then bake as you normally would (typically 350 degrees on an ungreased cookie sheet for eight to 10 minutes).
For the "bubbles," pour a bag of white chocolate chips into a microwave-safe bowl and heat for 30 seconds. Take the chips out, stir, then heat again for another 30 seconds, continuing this process until the chocolate is smooth. Add add 4 to 5 drops of blue food coloring. Grease a muffin tin with cooking spray, then spoon chocolate into each muffin cup about 1/3 full. Lay a round wafer cookie on top of this and push it down a little, then top off the cookie (to hide it) with more white chocolate. Allow this to harden, then freeze your "bubbles" for five to 10 minutes. Remove from the freezer, turn the muffin tin upside down and tap it on the counter to release your bubbles. Serve on a platter with your duck cookies. - With this duck craft idea, your party guests will be able to make their own fuzzy duckies to take home. You'll need to draw a rubber duck shape on a piece of white paper, then photocopy it onto white card stock (for durability). You can cut the duckies out before your party, which may be easier if you're expecting a lot of little ones, or have guests cut the duckies out themselves at the party. Guests will cover their duckies with white craft glue, then add yellow craft pompoms to cover the ducks completely. When the glue dries, they can turn the ducks over and cover the other side in the same way. Have kids use craft glue to add one googly eye to each side of the duck.