What is a Purposeful Visit?
This is so easy for many of us that we don't even think about it.
But think about the many adults (elderly or disabled) who gladly still live in their homes but are unable to do these chores.
Regardless of whether functional limitations are due to pregnancy induced bed-rest, age-related health problems, or an injury, some people just can't participate or they may be restricted from certain activities.
Do you have more things to do, than time to do them? Of course you do! Here comes that word again - purpose! What is the best use of our time? For example, if you had limited time with your loved one, and you could only do one of the following, which would you pick and why? · Helping a loved one with daily activities · Driving a loved one to, and participating in, a medical appointment · Preparing and planting a garden that a loved one could enjoy for weeks Part of being purposeful is to consider the ways in which spending your time and energy during a visit with a home bound loved one will bring the greatest satisfaction to everyone involved.
Many families using professional home care services feel that the care and support provided enables them to focus their time in other, more meaningful ways.
People are often forced to choose between completing tasks, spending time enjoying someone's company, and handling projects that are sure to bring a smile to someone's face.
There are many ways you can express your kindness by meaningful actions.
The following are two specific acts of kindness that you can use to make a difference in someone's life: 1.
Show up early one day and take on a project.
Get the entire family to come together each spring to work in the yard and on the flower beds of an elderly loved one.
It will turn out to be a day-long activity of family fun.
Then each week have someone go back to water the plants, pull weeds, pick the vegetables and more.
Coordinate a service project.
Is there a home in your neighborhood that could use a coat of paint? Does it appear that someone's yard has become overgrown to the point where it may be unmanageable? Get some friends together and commit to completing a project or spending a few hours lending a helping hand.
People who have benefited from a service project usually say that the effort and outcome are priceless.
Helping to do for others what they may not be able to do for themselves is quite humbling and gratifying.
Believe me, the joy you experience as a result of giving will outweigh the perceived value of the person who receives.