How to Create a Locomotive GMAX
- 1). Load four images of the locomotive you want to model onto your computer. They should be from the side, top, front and back.
- 2). Start the GMAX application. Go to the “Primitives” section to the right and click on the “Plane.”
- 3). Click on the “Material Editor” on the upper right and in the dialog click on the “Diffuse” browse button. Go to and open the image you loaded. Drag the resulting material to the plane in the view.
- 4). Use the “Rotate” function to rotate the plane 90 degrees so you can see the image. Change the view so you are looking directly at the image plane.
- 5). Go to the “Spline” tools on the right and click “Line.” Use the tool to draw an outline of the main body of the locomotive, leaving out the wheels and the smokestack.
- 6). Select “Modify” and scroll down to choose “Cap Holes.” This creates one side of the locomotive. Select “Edit” from the menu and choose “Clone” to create a copy. Use the “Move” tool to move this copy over to become the opposite side of the locomotive.
- 7). Use the same technique as above to create the top, front and back of the locomotive.
- 8). Go to the “Primitives” on the right and click on the “Cylinder.” Drag in the view to draw a circle the width you want for the smokestack, dragging up to create the height you want.
- 9). Use the “Torus” primitive to create a wheel for the locomotive. Use the “Rotate” and “Move” tools to position it on the locomotive. Then use the “Clone” function under “Edit” to make five more, positioning them as well. Save your work.