What Is On Page and Off Page SEO?
Off page SEO means the content written or put on the web on other sites than the website being promoted, for example creating a 'guest post' for another blog or posting a video on YouTube.
On page is the content written that appears on a website.
Search engines want to find useful, authoritative websites for their users, which means high quality- and regularly updated- content can greatly increase the likelihood of your site being deemed an authority in its area.
Having a news section, for example, encourages people to return to sites on later date.
This means that it is no longer feasible to build a website then sit back and let it do its thing.
If you never update it, you are giving visitors no reason to re-visit.
By providing useful information or services your site will stand out from low quality websites that manipulate search engines to boost their web presence.
These sites use duplicate content, known as 'spun' content, automated blog commenting and other 'webspam' tactics to fool search engines into considering them authoritative.
The presence of these sites can be strong but it is short lived as the sites are seen as a nuisance and don't retain people's interest, as they are more concerned with getting page views than provide an honest service.
Using 'off page' SEO means promoting the site on other blogs or sites hosting comments or content from the site.
One technique for connecting sites easily is 'link building'.
Linking is mutually beneficial for websites.
Having a URL link framed in good quality content on a popular site can benefit your web presence because lots of people will see it.
It is beneficial for the popular site because it will count as a 'back link' or 'inbound link.
' These links are relevant to the way a site is rated because they are a way of noting how popular a site is.
This began with the way websites were seen on the net before search engines.
'Keywords' are used in both 'off' and 'on' page SEO.
They are the words used to search for content, e.
'holidays', 'flights' and 'hotels'.
It is wise to have relevant words on your website in order to inform people what the website is about and allow search engines to find it.
It used to be the case that these words should be included in the websites title, 'meta description' (the description which appears beneath the website link on Google's search) and in the website content e.
This has recently changed due to the update named 'Penguin' that Google have made to their search engine.
Now sites should aim to have naturalistic content that is not too heavily loaded with key terms.
If you want to improve the visibility of your site, consider taking some basic SEO techniques on board, you could find your business benefits a great deal.