Make Money Online Now - How Perpetual Cash Generating Systems Can Make You $200,000 a Year
If you want to make money online now, you have to get a system that pays you cash immediately after a sale is made.
This is important especially if you are strapped for cash, but may be able to either borrow some money, or put off another bill until your new business starts to generate cash flow.
A perpetual cash-generating system pays you instantly, bypassing any administrative interference, and at the same time, create multiple payment "legs" or down-lines from which your income is derived each month.
One easy-to-remember example of this is the "one-up" system made popular a few years ago.
In this scenario, you make money online by joining a program that places new members you recruit in your payment line, but you always lose your first recruit to your sponsor.
The next person you recruit comes to you and will pay you for services rendered each month as long as he or she remains active in the programme.
A "two-up" system simply takes your first two recruits and passes them up to your sponsor, leaving you with all other personal recruits.
In principle this sounds good, but many persons find this to be a disincentive and would rather not participate in such programmes.
As long as a genuine service or product is offered for your monthly membership, there is nothing illegal about these programmes, and they can be very lucrative.
Today, you can make money online with several derivatives of this original "one-up" programme, but you must be careful.
Make sure that you check out the system before you join, less you become a willing participant in a "ponzi" scheme.
If your programme passes a reasonable standard of legitimacy, you can make a great income from it.
In other words, make sure you understand and agree with how you will be making your money with this business model.
Here is another example of the latest metamorphosis of the original "one-up" programme.
In this case, you will join the program and pay your sponsor directly every month by creating an on-going subscription.
Your first referral pays you, not your sponsor.
You will give up the second referral to your sponsor, but keep the third, and give up the fourth.
From there on, all recruits are yours.
By balancing the placement of each referral, you gain an equal number of referrals as your sponsor for the first four persons you refer, but once your referrals begin to recruit, you get the same treatment.
Two of the first four persons your referrals sponsor are passed on to you.
Albeit this time you are the sponsor earning from the efforts of your referrals.
This is a most interesting situation.
Since you do not pay an admin fee, as people come into the programme, they will pay you directly.
This is why I refer to this system as a daily, perpetual cash-generating system.
In theory of course, you could make money quickly and without much effort, since you will always have someone down-line to you who is actively building their business and yours.
I for one, anxiously wait to see how this will business model will unfold in the near future, and you can be certain that I will write about it.