Things Men to Do Not Understand About Attracting Women - The Abbreviated Version
This is really to their detriment.
Once you understand what really attracts women you have taken the first and most important step toward having women be greatly attracted to you.
In this abbreviated version of the things that men do not know about women I will let you in on two of the hundreds of things.
But they are two of the most important and essential things.
Men are often too nice.
Perhaps you have heard this one before.
Nice guys finish last! Unfortunately this is true.
If you are too nice you are trying too hard.
You present no challenge.
You have no air of mystery.
You leave nothing open and leave no reason for a woman to desire you.
This is not to say that to be successful with women you need to be a jerk or rude.
All this means is that you need to maintain a certain distance until she is attracted to you.
Give her a chance to grow to care for you, do not smother her.
Men do not understand the basic things that women are attracted to.
Men like appearances.
This is no huge secret.
Really, we are quite shallow in this way.
Women spend tons of time getting "pretty" for our enjoyment.
Often a guy will think the same thing is true in reverse.
"If only I looked better I could get that girl" Completely untrue.
Now if you are a complete "Choad" you may have a hard time, but a normal looking guy can get just about any woman.
Women really like a man based on his character.
Go figure we like them for something that doesn't matter in the long run, and they like us for the important things.
There is of course a catch, when it comes to attracting women They like you for your perceived character; not necessarily the reality, this is the reason why many girls are drawn to jerks.
They want a man who is full of confidence and maybe slightly mysterious; this could be a great guy, but it could also be the calling card of an obnoxious jerk.
Once she is attracted that attraction can last a long while.
Attraction is an emotion.
Emotions are not logical, you cannot reason with them.
She may know in her brain you are a better man, but if you come on to strong, she will never know it in her heart.
The things that men do not know understand about women could fill a novel and a long one at that.
All you can do if you want to be successful with women is learn the important pieces and get to spend as much time with the fairer sex as possible.
Men to do not understand about attracting women, but they can learn