Save Money and Improve Health With Solar Power Roof Vents
What should ?ou consider wh?n shopping f?r solar power roof vents for your h?me? If you're l?oking for helpful t?ps ?n how t? choose the best style and type of ?olar vent for your home, you've c?me to the right pl?ce.
You'll first need t? decide on the ?ize of vent you'll ne?d to cool your attic ?pace effe?tively. Depending on the size of your roof and attic, y?u m?y need more than one vent installed to make a ?eal difference. Ho? d? yo? find this information? Many online ?olar st?res offer guidelines for the si?e of v?nt you'll need based ?n yo?r roof span and attic footage.
Will a S?lar Vent Wor? on My Roof?
The type of sola? roof vent you ?hoose for you? roof styl? will var? depending on th? mo?nting proce?s. B? sure to ch?ck the produ?t specifications to ?ee if it i? limited to certa?n typ?s of roofing materi?ls o? locat?ons.
DIY Installation of Solar Vents
If you're planning to install the vent yourself, ?t's good to kno? that typically the solar p?nel us?d to power the ?ent will be mounted in ? different location th?n the vent itself. There is no need t? wor?y about ele?trical connections eith?r; ?o DIY installation ?s ?elatively ?asy.
To install most solar power roof vents , you simply p?el bac? ? f?w shingles, cut the ?roper siz? hol? in the roof (which would be included in product ?pecifications), apply the metal flashing under the shingles, in?tall the vent, and then replace the shingles so th?t everything ?s sealed.
Types of Solar Pow?r Ro?f Vents
1. Solar Powered Gable-Mounted Attic V?nt - an alternat?ve t? traditional style attic vents, ?t is ?ounted ?n the gable end of the ho?se behind ? decorative shutter. Uses ? solar panel t? ?ower th? DC mot?r. No electrical connection required. Installation i? quick ?nd eas? and the co?t ?s ?easonable. Can move up to 800 cu?ic f?et of ?ir and ?s ?esistant to harsh weather conditions.
2. Hy?rid Solar V?nt - us?s th? ?un's energy, ?ind energy, and electrical energy, or just t?o ?f thos?. to po?er the vent. Can ?e mounted on ?ny style roof. Battery backu?s for cloudy d?ys.
3. Round S?lar Roof Vent - ideal for small ?heds and gar?ges. Features ? built-in sol?r p?nel that po?ers the motor to ?emove hot air from ?our s?aller spaces. Q?iet operation.
4. Ro?f M?unt Solar Exhaust V?nt - works ?n conjuncti?n w?th you? ?xisting ?offit intake, removing the mo?st hot ai? that gathers in ?n att?c d?ring the wa?mer months. No electric?l wiring. Solar panel h?s ?een tested for resistance to harsh weather such a? hail. C?n effectively cool u? to 800 square feet ?f atti? space.
How Are S?lar P?wer Ro?f Vents Beneficial?
Solar vents will remove th? moist, hot ai? that gathers in ?our attic. You'll reduce ?our ri?k of developing mold in th? attic, ?hich me?ns ?ou red?ce ?our ris? ?f family mem?ers developing health issues. The lif?span of your ro?f ?ill automatic?lly increase be?ause the shingles w?n't heat u? as much ?s th?y w?uld h?ve witho?t a vent ?n place.
Your air c?nditioning unit won't cy?le a? often and y?u'll ?ave pr?cious utility costs. All in all, ? sola? vent for your h?me is ? win-win situation that won't cost you ? lot ?f money ?p f?ont but could save ?ou thousands of dollars in years to come!
You'll first need t? decide on the ?ize of vent you'll ne?d to cool your attic ?pace effe?tively. Depending on the size of your roof and attic, y?u m?y need more than one vent installed to make a ?eal difference. Ho? d? yo? find this information? Many online ?olar st?res offer guidelines for the si?e of v?nt you'll need based ?n yo?r roof span and attic footage.
Will a S?lar Vent Wor? on My Roof?
The type of sola? roof vent you ?hoose for you? roof styl? will var? depending on th? mo?nting proce?s. B? sure to ch?ck the produ?t specifications to ?ee if it i? limited to certa?n typ?s of roofing materi?ls o? locat?ons.
DIY Installation of Solar Vents
If you're planning to install the vent yourself, ?t's good to kno? that typically the solar p?nel us?d to power the ?ent will be mounted in ? different location th?n the vent itself. There is no need t? wor?y about ele?trical connections eith?r; ?o DIY installation ?s ?elatively ?asy.
To install most solar power roof vents , you simply p?el bac? ? f?w shingles, cut the ?roper siz? hol? in the roof (which would be included in product ?pecifications), apply the metal flashing under the shingles, in?tall the vent, and then replace the shingles so th?t everything ?s sealed.
Types of Solar Pow?r Ro?f Vents
1. Solar Powered Gable-Mounted Attic V?nt - an alternat?ve t? traditional style attic vents, ?t is ?ounted ?n the gable end of the ho?se behind ? decorative shutter. Uses ? solar panel t? ?ower th? DC mot?r. No electrical connection required. Installation i? quick ?nd eas? and the co?t ?s ?easonable. Can move up to 800 cu?ic f?et of ?ir and ?s ?esistant to harsh weather conditions.
2. Hy?rid Solar V?nt - us?s th? ?un's energy, ?ind energy, and electrical energy, or just t?o ?f thos?. to po?er the vent. Can ?e mounted on ?ny style roof. Battery backu?s for cloudy d?ys.
3. Round S?lar Roof Vent - ideal for small ?heds and gar?ges. Features ? built-in sol?r p?nel that po?ers the motor to ?emove hot air from ?our s?aller spaces. Q?iet operation.
4. Ro?f M?unt Solar Exhaust V?nt - works ?n conjuncti?n w?th you? ?xisting ?offit intake, removing the mo?st hot ai? that gathers in ?n att?c d?ring the wa?mer months. No electric?l wiring. Solar panel h?s ?een tested for resistance to harsh weather such a? hail. C?n effectively cool u? to 800 square feet ?f atti? space.
How Are S?lar P?wer Ro?f Vents Beneficial?
Solar vents will remove th? moist, hot ai? that gathers in ?our attic. You'll reduce ?our ri?k of developing mold in th? attic, ?hich me?ns ?ou red?ce ?our ris? ?f family mem?ers developing health issues. The lif?span of your ro?f ?ill automatic?lly increase be?ause the shingles w?n't heat u? as much ?s th?y w?uld h?ve witho?t a vent ?n place.
Your air c?nditioning unit won't cy?le a? often and y?u'll ?ave pr?cious utility costs. All in all, ? sola? vent for your h?me is ? win-win situation that won't cost you ? lot ?f money ?p f?ont but could save ?ou thousands of dollars in years to come!