Can You Really Buy One Insurance Policy And Get One Free?
Combine Policies And You Can Save Big!
Multi-policy discounts can be worth a lot! I learned about the Renters Insurance thing nearly by accident. I had just sold a new car to a young Air Force Airman, fresh out of Tech School, that had no insurance. I drove him and his new car to the local insurance agent to help him get a policy set up.
In the course of his conversation with the agent, she was smart enough to ask if he was renting an apartment. He was, so she asked him if he was interested in renters insurance.
Slowly, he looked to me as if to ask, "what should I do?"
I simply told him if it were me, I'd sure look into it (I have had a BAD situation with a flooded apartment with, of course, no renters insurance). Mrs. Smart Agent did a little pecking at her keyboard and in several minutes informed him that if he bought the renters insurance and received the multi-policy discount, he would pay... get this... about ten dollars less per month than if he bought the auto insurance alone.
Young Airman looked at me again, puzzled, and I nearly shouted, "Buy it man, that's a no-brainer!"
He did. Smart move. He bought the Car Insurance and got the Renters Insurance better than free.
Insurance is a complicated field, just as with cars, your mileage may vary. Not everyone will save money this way, but a good number of my customers took advantage of this same technique, at my suggestion, when I was selling cars [] for a living. Some came out ahead, some merely got a very nice discount. Either way, a discount is always appreciated.