"Treehouse of Horror I"
"Treehouse of Horror" originally aired on October 24,1990, during the second season. Following is a breakdown of the episode, including a synopsis, favorite quotes, and guest stars.
Blackboard Quote
None. In the opening sequence, we see Springfield Cemetary. There are tombstones for Ishmael Simpson, Ezekiel Simpson, Cornelius V. Simpson, Garfield, Casper the Friendly Boy, Elvis, Your Name Here, Paul McCartney, and Disco.
Guest Stars
James Earl Jones
Bart and Lisa tell each other scary stories in the treehouse, as Homer listens in on them from outside.
In "Hungry Are the Damned," the Simpsons are abducted by one-eyed aliens named Kang and Kodos. They are offered large amounts of food to feast on, but Lisa accuses them of fattening the Simpsons so they might feast on the family later. The aliens are offended by the allegation and return the family back to their home.
In "Bad Dream House," the Simpson family buy an old mansion at a cheap price, but upon moving in, find out that the place is haunted. A mysterious voice tells them to leave, and the walls ooze blood, but Homer wants to stay and talks Marge into giving it a try. That night, the family tries to kill each other with axes. When Marge tells the mysterious voice that the house and the family are going to have to find a way to coexist, the house blows itself up.
Lastly, in "The Raven," Lisa tells Bart the story of Edgar Allen Poe's poem The Raven, while Homer imagines himself as the narrator, Bart as the raven, and Marge as Lenore.
Favorite Quote
Homer: "It's a fixer-upper. What's the problem? We get a bunch of priests in here..."