Fool Proof Guide to Getting Your Ex Back
I had NO clue how to handle a relationship.
As a result, they all went south on me.
Well, a lot of time has passed since those old days.
I've become older and wiser.
As a matter of fact, as of yesterday, I turned 51.
I've come a long way with relationships and have really figured out how to make them work...
even to the point of getting your ex back if that's what you really want.
So, in this article, I am going to provide you with a fool proof guide to getting your ex back.
So pay close attention.
Okay, step one...
get rid of the baggage.
Don't know what I mean? I'll explain.
The relationship you just went through, especially if it blew up in your face, had to cause quite a bit of emotional heartache.
That heartache is what I refer to as baggage.
You wear it proudly on your chest everyday like a badge of honor.
Guess what? It's NOT going to do you any good.
If you can't get passed the hurt and anger, you might as well forget about getting back with your ex.
You need a clean slate.
So do what you have to in order to make this happen.
Go for walks, drives, whatever.
Buy yourself something expensive.
Got to a movie.
Do something.
Just get rid of the baggage.
Step two is to sit down and decide if this is what you REALLY want.
Now that your head is clear, you might find that getting back with your ex isn't the smartest thing in the world, especially if the relationship was an abusive one.
Why go back for more? You need to make absolutely sure that this is the right thing to do and what you really want.
Otherwise, you're probably just going to get more of what caused you to break up in the first place.
Finally, you need to confront your ex...
That is the key.
That's why I said in step one you had to get rid of the baggage.
You have to meet with your ex and talk with them like this was a business meeting.
You be direct and to the point.
You tell them that you've thought about what you've just been through together, realize the mistakes you've made (yes, eat some crow) and that you think you can make this work if they're willing to give it another chance.
And then leave it at that.
Don't carry on.
Don't get emotional.
Don't beg and don't plead.
Trust me, nine times out of ten, this approach WORKS.
If by some chance it doesn't, I've recently come across a great book that has some pretty clever tricks up its sleeve.
I've reviewed it below.
I think you'll find the review helpful.
You can get your ex back if that's what you really want.
The above plan, simple as it is, should do the trick.
To YOUR Relationship Success, Martin J Waterson