When Back Pain Is The Sign Of A Kidney Problem
It is important to distinguish between back pain caused by a back problem and back pain caused by a kidney problem. Kidney conditions can be serious and warrant immediate medical attention. Fortunately, common types of kidney problems have other symptoms that can help you identify them.
The kidneys are located between the mid and lower back very close to the muscles of the back. They are each about the size of a fist. The top portion of the kidneys are protected by the ribcage, but not the bottom portion. The right kidney is lower than the left one, given its proximity to the liver. When pain is felt to the side of the spine between the mid and lower back, kidney problems must be ruled out.
Kidney Infection
Infection of the kidney causes inflammation; this is the body's attempt to isolate the threat and facilitate healing. Inflamed kidney tissue causes a significant amount of pain in the surrounding area, most notably in the back between the hip and ribcage (the flank) on the side of the infection. The pain associated with kidney infection is sharp and aching.
The best way to distinguish between regular back pain and kidney infection is to simply touch the area that hurts. If you have an infected kidney, your flank will be very tender and painful to the touch. You may also notice swelling of the flank. Infections also generally make people sick. Fever, nausea and vomiting frequently accompany a kidney infection.
If not treated quickly with antibiotics, the infection can spread to the bloodstream. If you have back pain with tenderness, fever and/or nausea, seek medical attention.
Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are solid deposits that can accumulate inside the kidneys. Stones may be large or small. The stones scrape against the lining of the urinary tract and, if large, can block the flow of urine. This causes the fluids to back up and enlarge the kidney.
Pain from kidney stones is referred to as colic, as it comes in waves rather than being steady. The pain is severe and has been likened to labor pains. The pain begins in the flank area, and may travel down the side and into the groin as the stone moves through the urinary tract. You may see blood in your urine if you have a kidney stone.
Kidney infections and stones are the most common associations between the kidneys and back pain. Very rarely does a kidney problem result in dull back pain. Cancer of the kidney can result in a tumor that, over time, causes dull pain in the back. Polycystic kidney disease (PKD), a hereditary disease, can result in gradual enlargement of the kidneys that is felt as pain mainly in the abdomen, and sometimes the back as well.
If you have sharp, severe pain in the flank area accompanied by urinary changes, fever, nausea and/or vomiting, there is good reason to expect a kidney problem as the cause. If not, there is still good reason to be concerned. While back pain is often not a reason to run to the emergency room, it is always the sign of a problem. Narrowing down the potential causes of your pain will bring you closer to resolving it.