Keep An Open Mind And An Open Heart
Everyone is different and what works for some may not necessarily be the best thing for you.
We all face life in our different ways, although we can learn to think positive or we can begin to change our habits to live a more fulfilling life, we still have our own personalities that may contradict the beliefs or ideals of some people.
Don't believe in something just because someone told you to, and develop your own beliefs and feelings.
Whether you believe in the existence of a creator, that we are here for a reason, or if you believe that we are all here to simply co-exist, it is important to respect the way that others think.
Be sure not to judge others on their beliefs, the measure of a person is not what they believe in. Values and morals are more important then anything, you want to be known as a good person not because of what you believe in, but because you are genuinely good at heart.
Look inside yourself for the answers, search for your spirituality so that you can become content and try to find the reasons that your looking for something more.
Searching for your sense of spirituality can take a large part of your life to complete, try not to become frustrated at yourself if you do not find what you are looking for as soon as you would like.
Remember that everything in your life that happens to you is a learning experience and it may take many years to fully appreciate or understand why you feel the way you do, your life may be moving you in a direction that you do not understand.
That does not mean that you are not on the right path, many people will tell you that you need to think or feel a certain way but only you can know what is right for you.
Always be sure to keep an open mind, be open to any and all ideals because you never know what will work for you. Finding out what you truly believe in can make your life come together in an amazing way!