How to Propagate Butterfly Plants
- 1). Snip your cuttings from your butterfly plant from July through December. Take a 6-inch cutting as early in the morning as possible.
- 2). Cut off any leaves that remain on the lower portion of your cutting that will be stuck into the potting mix.
- 3). Fill a 6-inch container with a lightweight potting mix that drains efficiently.
- 4). Remove some rootone from its container and place a small amount on a paper towel or dish, so you don't contaminate the product.
- 5). Dip the end of your cutting, which will be going into the potting mix, into the rootone. Shake off any excess.
- 6). Stick your cutting into the 6-inch container of potting mix and pat down the soil around it to keep the cutting upright.
- 7). Water your container holding the cutting. Continue to water the cutting daily so roots can form. Test the cutting for root development by gently tugging on it. If you feel resistance, roots are forming.
- 8). Transplant your cutting into the ground, once it has rooted, which will take several months.