Male Enhancement Pills - Can You Realistically Boost Your Penis Size With Just a Pill a Day?
or at least that is what your friends might have advised you.
After all, the male enhancement market IS dominated by a variety of growth supplements meant to help you achieve some gain in size to your male organ.
are these highly-rated products the long-term answer to your penis size woes? Not quite, actually.
In fact, a high percentage of the pills selling out there either do not work at all, or worse still could even bring about a detrimental effect to your overall health! There are a couple of tell-tale signs which you must look out for in order to realistically grow your penis bigger, and avoid wasting your time and effort.
One of the most critical issue involving male enhancement pills is the use of the substance Yohimbine in its ingredient.
Yohimbine is taken from the bark of the Yohimbe tree, and is known for its blood rate elevating properties.
It is because of this attribute that pill manufacturers are including this element in the pills they produce, as increasing the flow of blood to your organ can expand the erectile tissues within and result in a physical increase in its size.
But while consuming this substance may give an effect to your penis size, it could adversely affect the rest of your body too.
Because the blood flow increase is not only to your manhood, there is a high risk of developing cardiac problems in the long run, especially in older men! Another thing that bugs me personally about these pills are the bold promises given by each pill manufacturer to you.
There is no way your male organ will grow in size just by swallowing their pills and do nothing else.
Enhancement pills can only be relied upon as a supplement, which requires some physical action on your penis in order to bring about a transformation to its physique.
That is why exercising your penis is still a better option to enhance your manhood.
Performing the specific stretches and massaging routines physically affect the biological structure of your organ, allowing it to naturally grow both in size as well as strength.
Taking male enhancement pills while doing the exercises can help you accelerate your growing process.
But without doing penis exercises, you will never get anywhere close to seeing even an inch of size gained to your package!