How to Make Money With AdSense - Chapter 18 - 3 Things You Should Never Do
So far in this series of articles we've discussed things that you need to do to create profitable AdSense sites.
Now let's take a look at 3 things you should avoid doing if you want want to make money with AdSense.
Never click on your own ads - No matter how tempting it may seem you never, ever want to click on your own AdSense ads.
Google will catch you in a heart beat, they'll de-index your site, they'll smack your hand - and then cancel your AdSense account.
You should also never, ever have friends or family visit your site and click your links either.
Google is like Santa Claus - they can see you when you're sleeping, and they know when you're being naughty.
Never put AdSense on a money page - Never put AdSense ads on squeeze pages, landing pages or sales pages.
Your job as webmaster is to eliminate all obstacles between the top of the page and the Buy It Now Button - you need to make it as easy as possible for your visitor to find the button and click on it.
Having AdSense ads on those pages will just be a distraction.
And when your visitors click on those ads they leave your site - possibly for good.
Don't give them the option.
Better to risk no sale at all then to trade a $49 sale for a 49 cent AdSense click.
If you're concerned that you're not making any money off of those particular pages then you need to take a look at your copywriting and tweak it until it starts converting.
Never build a one page AdSense site - First of all, it's very difficult to get a one page site indexed and keep it index.
Google doesn't like them because they're clearly not providing any valuable information for the searcher.
Secondly, your job is to provide information that will hold your visitor on your site and entice them to click on those AdSense ads.
If there's nothing on your site but a couple of paragraphs and 8 blocks of AdSense, that visitor isn't going to stick around long.
Plus, the more pages of content you have on your site the more AdSense blocks you'll have.
More pages equal more clicks equals more money in your pocket.