A Look at Permanent and Temporary Solutions to Premature Ejaculation
It's obvious that she wants to sleep with you tonight.
And just like that, you've charmed her all the way to the bedroom...
but as soon as your seemingly perfect lovemaking goes into full swing and a fire of passion is rapidly burning inside her, it all comes to a sudden, mortifying halt.
She has this look of incredulity on her face now, reluctant to believe that the night that began so beautifully with promise of exciting, hot sex will probably be no more.
She's confused and frustrated.
You're equally as frustrated- if not more, but only that you're not as confused about what just happened, for it's the very thing that has plagued you before, the very thing for which you've held dread in the back of your mind all night: premature ejaculation.
You keep wishing and hoping that it will go away by itself with time and wouldn't happen again next time, but sexual encounter after sexual encounter you end up disappointed, frustrated and embarrassed.
It's constantly there it seems...
persistent and ruthless.
Well, it might not have happened to you in exactly the same plot as the little story I just made up, but it does serve to illustrate the plight of a man suffering from premature ejaculation (PE).
And here is a sobering fact: unless you're proactive about it, chances are that it will never go away on its own by some whim! PE can indeed be a very painful experience; and while the circumstances that lead to its development may, to a large extent, be beyond your control, the power to mitigate and ultimately end it is absolutely within your reach.
The challenge, though, is to find the right solution of premature ejaculation.
And as solutions go, there are those that will solve the problem quickly but temporarily and ones that will end it a little more gradually but permanently.
The quick-fix solutions are plenty on the market- pills, sprays, desensitizing creams and a whole gamut of superficial solutions.
Do these really work? Well, as a temporary solution, they do work to some extent, and are good as "emergency tactics".
If, for example, you have a date that could potentially end in the sack and you want to put on your A-game, applying that spray or cream on your manhood a couple of minutes before sex can help you delay ejaculation.
If what you want is a permanent solution to your PE problem, however, such solutions are not to be depended upon.
They simply don't tackle the underlying causes of premature ejaculation.
On the other hand, there are solutions that focus on reconditioning your body and mind for lasting results.
To permanently fix your PE problem, you simply have to address the full set of biological and psychological factors contributing to it.
It's truism to state that every man's case is different, but an overwhelmingly many of the common factors are connected to the following four areas: 1.
Bad self-gratification styles from an early age.
Not being familiar with our psychological trigger points for ejaculation.
Stress and emotional strain from everyday angst.
Problems in the relationship between the partners.
All these issues can be addressed through reconditioning and training that is based on the correct understanding of the biological and psychological factors contributing to PE, gradually bringing about change that lasts.
It is in sexual therapy and psychotherapy sessions, or through an information product that you can use in the privacy of your home that such reconditioning and training is possible.
Will this change occur overnight? Of course it won't.
Depending on which treatment approach (sexual therapy, psychotherapy or an information product) you choose, it can take a week to a couple of weeks for results to show (although some guys see results as quickly as few days).
Being someone who managed to solve my PE problem using one of these approaches more than two and half years ago, I can assure you that that little story I made up earlier can have a splendidly happy ending.