Be a Little H.I.S.S
HOARD It Definition of a Hoarder: To accumulate for preservation, future use, etc.
, in a hidden or carefully guarded place.
Think Scrooge.
Those that hoard money do it for no other reason than to accumulate money.
There is no intended goal for the money, and no plans to make use of it in the future.
People who engage in hoarding money will often forgo necessities such as food or clothing in order to add a little more to their savings account.
The high of hiding the money is short-lived and soon they need to accumulate more.
My Mom was a hoarder.
But not of money; of things.
I remember walking past her bedroom one time and there she was with all her jewellery laid out on her bed around her.
She was happy just to look at it for hours.
Yet she never wore it, and no-one was allowed to touch it or even look at it without her permission.
When she passed and we went through it, we discovered most of it was costume jewellery and of no value.
I have never understood the hoarder.
That would be like giving me a suitcase with a million dollars in it and telling me to keep it under my bed and never, ever spend it! That would be pure torture!! And technically, I wouldn't be rich.
I could call myself a millionaire because I have a million dollars, but I would still have to work for a living to pay my bills.
No thank you! #2.
IGNORE It This money group is in denial, and tend to float above the money issue.
When, rather than face financial reality, we try to minimize money problems by refusing to think about them all together They will leave bills unopened, avoiding looking at a bank statement or paying a credit card bill.
They spend money without any attachment to either the depleting bank account or the item they purchased.
They want to remain above money issues, and would rather not discuss it at all.
I tended to suffer from this from time to time (just when bills came in).
I would actually have the money to pay a bill, but not want to...
in case something better came along! (I know, the things I think sometimes!) #3.
SAVE It In my mind, these were the 'goody two shoes' people.
They saved for a house, a car, a trip.
They gave up short term gratification for long term benefits.
I thought they sucked.
I always wanted it NOW! I kidded myself to believe that while those boring people were sitting at home because they didn't want to spend the money to go out, I was living the life! They penny pinched.
They counted their pennies.
They cut coupons.
They drove to the other side of the city to save $1.
I couldn't afford a house, or a car or a trip.
But hey! I had fun (didn't I??) I always secretly wanted to be a saver, I just didn't know how.
No-one was more shocked than I when after a challenging time, I felt such relief when I was able to put money back into my savings, pay off my bills - before I spent any.
Wow! Who knew?? Balance for the saver is required.
I applaud the saver, but they also need to be able to...
SPEND It! Where are my people? Can I get a high five? Oh ya! We are outgoing, friendly, happy people who appear to love life.
We live for the moment, like get-togethers - for anything! Cost is of no concern to us, because there is always more...
isn't there? This was me, still is.
Like a reformed alcoholic, I am a reformed spendaholic.
Only now I understand why I had the compulsion to spend every cent I earned.
My goal was to have zero dollars in the bank at all times.
I found the way out.
I know what my triggers and habits are.
And I now have a much better relationship with money.
ANY dominance in one of these four groups is because of the beliefs they have about money...
and it's mostly fear-based.
Fear of not having enough, fear of consequences, fear of having too much.
Once you know WHY you do what you do with your money, once you know your what beliefs about money, then you can truly master the balance of spending/saving.
Sir Francis Bacon said - If money be not thy Servant, it will be thy Master.
For most of my life, I was its slave, and now I am the Master.
I am a little HISS.
And you can be too.
Change your mind.
Change your life.