Do You Know What You Are Drinking When You Get Water From the Tap?
But, if you don't shop carefully, you may end up with a filter that is not really a purifier.
There are some good products on the market and others that are not so good.
Several of the cheaper brands, those costing less than $50 are simply designed to remove chlorine.
Chlorine is a problem, but it's not the biggest threat to your health.
When you drink chlorinated water from a tap, you are also consuming THMs, known carcinogens.
The amount that is present at the treatment facility is measured and must be within reasonable limits, but because chlorine remains active as it travels through the waterlines, there is no way to tell how much is actually present when you turn on a faucet.
You see, THMs are created when chlorine reacts with bacteria, algae and other water-dwelling life forms.
They are even created when chlorine reacts with the bacteria that are naturally present on your body.
That's one reason that it's risky to shower in chlorinated water.
Researchers estimate that people who are exposed to THMs are twice as likely to develop bladder cancer in their lifetime.
Bladder cancer is the fourth most common form and can be painfully difficult to treat.
You can reduce your risk by reducing your exposure to chlorine and by drinking more purified water.
Drinking more water helps to wash away the toxins that get trapped in the bladder and cause cancerous tumors to form.
When you drink purified water from a tap, you are making a safer, less costly and more environmentally friendly choice than buying bottled.
You're safer, because those bottles may still contain chemicals.
Even if the company uses a good purification method, there are always chemicals in the bottle, due to the chemicals used to make the plastic.
It's less costly, because the best purifier on the market only cost 9.
6 cents per gallon.
Can you buy a gallon of water for a dime? You'll save anywhere from $1000 to $5000 per year, depending on your family size and the brand that you usually buy.
Drinking purified water from a tap is more environmentally friendly, because most people don't recycle and 80% of the bottles end up in a landfill.
Manufacturers use up our natural resources, including oil and groundwater.
Production and shipping causes the release of tons of green house gases, every year.
In areas where the bottling plants are located, people have had their private wells go dry.
Ponds have dried up.
Small towns have run completely out of water.
As you can probably see, I'm not a fan of the bottling industry.
There is no way to completely cover all of the health problems that are caused or aggravated by showering and drinking water from a tap in an article of this length.
If you're not convinced, learn more about the subject, today.