Gold making in cataclysm
Gold making in cataclysm is probably one of the most talked about subjects on wow forums and so I thought I would give you my little secrets to making gold. Making gold is not rocket science however you do have to know what you're doing otherwise you will be wasting a lot of time on something that isn't going to pay off in the long run. Now you probably think you can only make gold with certain professions, well I'm afraid that just isn't true. The truth is you can make money with any profession as long as you know how to go about it, so let's get started.
The profession I'm going to be talking about is Inscription, a lot of players dismiss this as a no go but trust me it is one of best if you get it right. In fact you can make some serious gold using this profession and more importantly you can do so quickly. The reason Inscription is so lucrative is because the mats cost next to nothing but the final product (glyphs) can be sold for quite a large amount on the auction house. What you have to remember is that glyphs are highly sought after, but there are also a lot of players making them.
This is why you have to do a little bit of research and see what glyphs are selling well on your server. You will want to find a glyph that is in need but also one that is in short supply on the auction house. Of course if there is completion on the auction house for the same item then you will have to undercut them to make sure that you get the sale rather than them, this doesn't have to be by a lot either. Literally undercut them by 1 silver because people would rather pay that then a more expensive price. Players are willing to pay huge amounts of gold for a glyph they desperately need so that they can carry on with their game, this is why we have the upper hand.
Gold making in cataclysm has changed slightly over the past few months and people have come out of the Inscription market because the demand has decreased a little for certain glyphs. While this is true there is still a ton of gold to be made with this method and the fact that people are turning to other professions just means that there is less competition for us.
The profession I'm going to be talking about is Inscription, a lot of players dismiss this as a no go but trust me it is one of best if you get it right. In fact you can make some serious gold using this profession and more importantly you can do so quickly. The reason Inscription is so lucrative is because the mats cost next to nothing but the final product (glyphs) can be sold for quite a large amount on the auction house. What you have to remember is that glyphs are highly sought after, but there are also a lot of players making them.
This is why you have to do a little bit of research and see what glyphs are selling well on your server. You will want to find a glyph that is in need but also one that is in short supply on the auction house. Of course if there is completion on the auction house for the same item then you will have to undercut them to make sure that you get the sale rather than them, this doesn't have to be by a lot either. Literally undercut them by 1 silver because people would rather pay that then a more expensive price. Players are willing to pay huge amounts of gold for a glyph they desperately need so that they can carry on with their game, this is why we have the upper hand.
Gold making in cataclysm has changed slightly over the past few months and people have come out of the Inscription market because the demand has decreased a little for certain glyphs. While this is true there is still a ton of gold to be made with this method and the fact that people are turning to other professions just means that there is less competition for us.