My Wife Fell Out of Love With Me - Exactly What You Need to Do And Stop Doing Before It"s Too Late!
It hurts like heck, and is the last thing that you ever want to come to the realization of.
But the good news for you is that there is a way to get through it not only with your marriage intact but better than you ever thought possible.
What to Do When You're Stuck with the Terrible Feeling of My Wife Fell Out of Love With Me What Now...
So the first thing that I have to do unfortunately in this article is break some bad news to you.
Many husbands come to me for advice about marriage and it seems as though what they're hoping is that I'll jump on the band wagon with them and start bashing their wife, telling them how terrible she is.
They want to hear that they've done nothing wrong.
The problem is that this is a lie, and I cannot tell you that.
If your telling me my wife fell out of love with me, then the sad truth is that you simply haven't been doing the things to make her stay in love with you.
The fact is that you have probably done a total 180 degree turn from where you were when you first met and courted your wife to where you are now.
Most men think that the feelings of being in love just naturally go away for people who are married for a while, and that's just not true.
The feelings of "being in love" go away when the attraction for YOU goes away.
Bottom line...
your wife simply is not ATTRACTED to you any longer.
Let me be more specific, she's no longer attracted to the man that you've become.
You've likely actually become very much less of a man that she was attracted to when she first met you.
You've probably lost much of your male leader status that you must have had when you met, and now she has lost not only respect for you but attraction as well.
Attraction is everything.
So what are women and wives attracted to? First let me start by saying that what I'm about to tell you most women don't even realize themselves.
It's a subconscious level emotion and the keys to their attraction are deep down in their DNA...
all the way from the times when humans were living in caves.
Your wife wants...
no needs an alpha male.
She needs a real man who is a leader and is in charge.